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* . °•★𝓢𝓪𝔂𝓵𝓸𝓻☆•° . * 

Around an hour later, we were all at school, going through our classes. Isaac was unable to get the bleach out of his hair in time, and decided that the best solution was to cover his hair with a baseball hat. In our English class, Mr. Laurie asked him to take off the hat, which he did so very slowly, and once he revealed the bleached orange hair to the class, everyone, including me, started to laugh.

"Very bold choice, Isaac." Mr. Laurie commented, studying his hair with a subtle grin. "May I ask what prompted you to do this?" 

"Let's just say my opinion was...influenced by other people." He said, glaring at me. I laughed even louder, covering my mouth with my hand in vain attempt to hide it. 

"Don't get mad at me if your prank backfired." I whispered, grinning. 

"I swear, God sent you to make my life miserable." 

"No." I shook my head and patted him on the shoulder. "God sent me as karma." 

By then, the laughter in the class had died down and Mr. Laurie returned to the front of the class.

"Okay, guys. Let's begin class." 

I rested my head on my hands as I watched the class. Right as the bell rang, Isaac leaned down towards me and whispered in my ear,

"You're going to regret that."

*. °•★•°. *

The next few classes passed by without incident, which left me in the last class of the day—art. 

I was messing around with some modeling clay, talking to two of the girls at my table, Kiley and Grace, who were both super friendly. 

"I mean you've got to admit it you're a little lucky. Getting to live with all those Walter boys." 

"Lucky?" I snorted. "I mean, I guess a few of them are nice, but I literally can't stand Isaac. He's such a dick."

"Really?' Grace looked at Kiley, who had a similarity confused expression on her face. "He's not a dick to any of us. He's cool, isn't he?" 

"Yeah. What's your beef with him?" 

I looked at him strangely. "Uh, he's a dick?" 

"I'm sure you're just misinterpreting things. Give it a few days." Kiley said, adding a few finishing touches to her clay. "Sure, he can be a little annoying, but he's not a jerk." 

I scoffed. "I beg to differ, but okay." 

Grace then leaned forward on her elbows and looked me in the face. "Maybe he just likes you, Saylor? I've heard boys are really mean to the people they like?" 

I choked on my spit and started coughing. Kiley patted me on the back as I struggled to inhale. "What the hell?" I finally managed. "No. He definitely does not like me. He literally hates me. And I hate him." 

Grace wiggled her eyebrows. "Are you sure about that? It's only been a few days." 

"A few days is enough to know that I absolutely despite Isaac Garcia with every fiber of my being. And that will never change." 

Just then, the bell rang and I gathered up my stuff before depositing my clay monstrosity on the drying rack. Somehow, compared to everyone else's, it looked like something a preschooler had made. Then, I waved goodbye to my new friends and booked it out the door, knowing that the Walters would not wait for me if I was late, due to the fact that they had actually left Jackie here yesterday. 

Once I reached the car, everyone was already there, including Jackie. They were all clearly locked in conversation with one another. 

"Come on, Isaac." Cole was saying to Isaac when I arrived at the car. "Why don't you take off the hat?"

"It can't be that bad." Alex added. I snickered, trying to hold back my laugh, and then gave up and full out guffawed.

"Oh, it's bad." I said, eyeing the hat on Isaac's head. He met my gaze, and the words,

"Don't you dare—" Barely managed to escape his mouth before I jumped forward and yanked the hat off of his head, revealing the orange color of his bleached hair.

Nathan covered his mouth with his hands, Cole and Lee started laughing and Alex, Jackie and Danny stared in shock.

"You did that?" Jackie asked me, taken aback. 

Isaac raised an eyebrow at me, holding out his hand. "Give it back."

"Hmm." I pressed a finger to my lips, pretending to contemplate, before saying, "No."

He took a step forward. "You're digging yourself into a deeper and deeper hole, Saylor. Give me that hat back."

Then, I said the words that pretty much sealed my fate.

"Make me."

There was a collective intake of breath from the boys around me, a sly grin on Cole's face, and a nervous expression on Jackie's as Isaac took a step closer to me.

"You don't want that." He said in a low voice, a smirk appearing on his face. "Bad things have happened when girls tell me to 'make them'." 

"Like what, them rejecting you?" I crossed my arms, refusing to back down. "I dare you."

We were frozen, locked in a silent fight.

"You asked for it."

No sooner were the words out of his mouth then he had dumped his leather jacket on the ground and lunged towards me. He missed the hat and I sprinted away, waving it tauntingly above my head. Sure, Isaac had caught me in our game of tag, but that had been in a backyard with limited space.

"WE'RE NOT WAITING FOR YOU!!!" I heard Cole shout, but then I rounded the corner with Isaac close behind me.

We reached the track, with a few people hanging out in the corner, and sprinted past them. I thought I was gaining speed and distance over Isaac, but then all of a sudden his hand closed around my ankle and I tumbled towards the ground.

My shins burned as they scraped against the ground, but before I could say a word or even react, Isaac was climbing over me and then pinning me to the ground with one hand while the other tried to yank the hat out of my grip. I refused to budge, and instead struggled, trying to free myself from his grasp. Isaac laughed.

"You've already lost, Saylor. Just give it up."

I groaned and relinquished my grip on the hat, and Isaac sat back on his heels, put it on his head, and then stood. I pushed myself to my feet exasperatedly. 

Then, the sound of my cellphone ringing caught my attention and I looked down to see that the caller was Jackie.

I answered and held the phone up to my ear.


"I'm assuming you need someone to come get you?" She asked.

"Um, yeah."

"Okay, just a second." I heard her cover her phone and then shout, "If someone doesn't get in that car right now I swear I'll drive myself to go get my sister." Then I heard some complaints that were too far away to understand, and then Jackie held her phone up to her ear again. 

"Okay. Cole and I are coming to get you. Be there in like fifteen minutes." 

"Hurry. I can't stay here by myself with this idiot any longer than absolutely necessary." 

"I heard that." Isaac said from my other side. I rolled my eyes, knocked his hat off again, and sprinted away. 

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