Chapter Two

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Age 21

She had done it. She actually managed to escape her family's hotel and find herself in some small bar. She wore jean shorts and a top that dipped lower than she had ever been permitted to wear outside of important events her mother dressed her for. It felt liberating to choose items for herself even though she felt off in the clothes she had nabbed from the clearance section of the first store she had walked into.
Now at the bar on some random corner in New York she sat and sipped on her drink. She had asked the bartender to surprise her since she didn't know anything about alcoholic drinks, not something her parents added into her studies.

Whatever he had made he was delicious and she was now on her fourth one.

She didn't have any duties tomorrow, it was her soon to be sister in laws bachelorette and as much as she and the girl had tried her parents would not allow her to join. She was a woman now yet she could not escape their hold on her, keeping her locked in the life of a child she had outgrown.

It's why she was here drinking alone, letting the buzz of the alcohol cover her for the first time alone. Wishing she had someone to do these things with alone. Her parents had given her a life of safety that was nothing more than a privileged prison. She yearned for her brother's weddings as they were the few times she could escape the home she now despised.

It was Tomas's time, her third brother. There was only the youngest boy left before it was her turn to be the focus of a match. Tomas was more excited then the others to marry his chosen. She was a German  heiress who was an only child that had no interest in taking the reins of her family company. Not only did he get a pretty wife but he would be inheriting a billion dollar company in the coming years.
She had a feeling she was going to be so lucky in the love department like her brothers had. Donavan was married to the second daughter of a mafia boss, something no one knew Fallon had become fully aware of.  Edward, the second oldest, was married to an arms dealer's daughter in the United Kingdom, she believed him to be one of the best, her father would not have bothered with the match for anything less.

The youngest brother already had a prospect for his match too, another daughter of a powerful man. This one was a shipping tycoon. All people who could help further her fathers fortune, as if he didn't already have enough power. It wasn't like he was the richest man in Ireland already.

A man approached her, offering to buy her a drink. She looked to the bartender who gave him an off look and politely declined. She had been there for a couple hours now and her and the bartender, Reggy, had become buddies. He listened to her slurred rambles and refilled her drink with something new to try when she asked. It was nice to find kindness in someone who wasn't paid to supply it, well in a way she guess he was also being paid for his time.

"I think I should be cutting you off soon." Reggy stated, she stood slowly and let her head go dizzy for a moment before moving.

"I think you might be right." She mumbled, making her way to the restroom. She got herself in there just fine but on the way out the last drink that Reggie had called a Long Island iced tea finally hit her.

How she was supposed to sneak back into the hotel like this, she had no idea.

She had to get back there though, she wouldn't be checked on till morning unless something happened but sneaking in when everyone was up besides a couple of guards would be a problem. She definitely didn't know Reggy well enough to sign him up on this particular mission either.

She could always take a hit and sneak back into the hotel bar and let herself be caught there, yeah there would be repercussions but what would they really do? Lock her away, marry her off quicker than they already planned too? She was already in permanent punishment for the crime of being a woman.

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