Training day

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Huming of birds in the distance, the sweet morning breeze felt really good, Kevin stayed on the balcony for a minute and then left.

Entering the room he notices Noah and the book beside him, Kevin had given him last night to read.

Kevin wasn't really a morning person but for today he had to become one.
It was Noah's first day of training. And he was in charge of it.

"Wake up." He calls for Noah.. " You have a big day ahead so get ready fast."

Noah opens his eyes..
"Good morning." He said while yawing, his eyes were half closed..

"You don't wanna be late on your first day, do you?" Kevin said..

Noah forced his eyes to open, " i will be ready in five minutes."

"Good, take a shower, you'll find clothes inside this closet." Kevin points to a plain wooden closet, with brownish wood.. "I will come back in five minutes." He leaves closing the door behind.

Noah takes a bath, in the whole process of water dropping on his body he did not look at his arms and torso he was afraid to see the old scars. Especially, the one on his chest, it gives him an unsettling feeling. Touching it was way beyond, he could not even look at.. it's not because of pain.. but something else..
A creepy, uncanny feeling.

Noah wears whatever he finds in the closet.. for one thing, the closet was good, and it had a lot of clothes for him, almost 4 to 5 pairs. Shirts and a sweater..
He wore the blue shirt unbuttoned, with a black t-shirt inside a black trouser..

Kevin wasn't back so he assumed it was not five minutes yet..

Instead of leaving the room, Noah decided to stay inside, giving himself a little confidence.

He felt weird..
It wasn't a particular decision he made, but for some reasons he wanted to touch it..
His chest. His wound.
Raising his hand. He touched it..

A little press..
Again nothing.
No pain...

He feels a little good, with relief falling over he tries to shut off the weird thoughts he was having before...

And then something clicks, suddenly Noah, is in a dark room, nobody around ... Hardly anything can be seen in darkness..
But...he sees.. something..
Something, in the corner, is back facing Noah.

Before Noah could think or do anything..

A loud noise, a cry for help? A roar?...
Something like that.. something so painfully disturbing..

Noah feels his eardrums will bust out.. immediately he puts his hands on it..

He opens his eyes, to his surprise. His finds himself panting, desperate for air.. but for one thing, he wasn't in that dark room again...
He felt the weird sensation.. and a sudden urge to leave the room..the uncanny feeling returned..

Noah stands up and opens the door.. leaving without looking back..

Outside the room, he feels a little better. He breathes.. and calm himself.. he sees Kevin approaching him..

"Hey. Let's go.", Kevin leads the way..

Noah didn't say anything about the incident. He wanted to deal with it himself..

"So where are we going?", Noah asked to kill the silence..

"Let's do breakfast first along with it I'll give you some brief description about our history. And what we know.", Kevin said.

"Will you be answering my questions?" Noah ask.

"Yes." He said.

They walked out of the building.. Noah turned to take a look at the building from outside but to his surprise the Building disappeared..

Kevin said before noah can ask , "It's a spell. Mr.Alex used magic to make the building's easy for hiding. Though it's not completely disappeared."

"Woh", Noah got another reason not to question Alex's powers.
Next, they walk all the way in complete silence..

Both of them walked a little longer.. and a village came into view.
It wasn't a village, since not many houses were visible.
It was more like a cabal.

"There is a small dinner, we can eat there if you don't mind." He said.
"I don't mind," Noah said, with a little shy smile. "As long as the food is good."

"Don't worry, granny makes the best food." Kevin said and started pacing.
Noah followed him..

The people walking around didn't mind them, as if they were part of society..
Everything was normal, a normal market with people shouting prices, ladies bargaining. Kids playing around.. and more, it reminded Noah of his home..
how Angela used to take him with her sometimes.. he loved it. Since it was his only chance to go outside.. Angela never allowed him on his own..

He was busy with the thought of back home, and suddenly Kevin's voice brought him back to reality..

"Oi? You there?" He asked..
"Yeah," noah said.

"We are here. Let's go inside." Kevin said, and marched inside.

The outside looked a little shredded, like it needed a little work on but it had lots of customers..maybe it was the only dinner there.

Noah followed Kevin inside.. the place stayed similar inside too, a little shredded..
But good.

The smell of fresh bread hit Noah's nostril as he entered the dinner, it was kind of good, closing his eyes he inhaled a pretty good amount..
It had a sweet smell, with a pinch of melon and lemon and bananas and more, he was invested in it, so when he opened his eyes he lost track of Kevin.

It was good that not many people were inside, he was able to find Kevin.

Kevin found a table and was waiting for Noah to come and sit.

"Looking for someone?" He asked.
"Huh?" Noah said, looking back at Kevin,
"I mean, I was just looking around." Noah said feeling a little embarrassed.

"Let's begin then.", Kevin said.
"Begin what?" Like Noah had no idea why they came..
"Ohh, yeah." Said Noah with a little nod, it hit him.

"So you don't know the history, right?" Kevin asked.
"I have a little idea about it, my friends went to school, they used to tell me a little here and there." Kevin was focused.

"Fine, then tell me what you know." Kevin pulled forward on his chair, placing both hands on the table.

" Ok, all I know is that once a long time ago. One night a king got blessed with amazing powers, and some and there was this message given to him, to pass down this power.. that's when monsters started appearing. Many of the villages became targets, the king was devastated he pleaded to the god to take back his powers, but no luck. He was at the time unaware of the strength he held. After some time the monsters declared a huge war against humanity, the king decided to fight them. And humanity won because of the powers he held, he was the one who saved everyone. After that he married a woman and till today the powers are passed down to kings hire. Later maybe the Kingdom spread and he became an emperor."  That's what Noah had read in maya's textbook.

"Wow." Kevin said, he had heard the story without blinking.. with full concentration.

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