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You didn't reach the door, before that you tripped on air and fell flat on your back. 

God Why do you hate me so much?

You could hear small laughs and snickers among the people.  

You brushed yourself up, muttering curses. You were getting ready to get up when you saw a hand stretched out for you- it was Sanji.

Man why am I being embarrassed in front of him over and over again?

You took his hand and offered him a sheepish smile. You expected him to tease you, but instead he looked concerned. 

"Are you ok? You are not hurt anywhere right? Does your back hurt? Should I carry you?"

"Woah woah Sanji. Don't worry so much. I am perfectly fine. It's just that, I have a clumsy butt." you say awkwardly rubbing your neck.

Suddenly a person burst out laughing. Seems like he was trying to hold his laugh earlier, but couldn't control it any longer. 

Sanji heard it and his expression changed. It seemed like he was going to charge at him, but you held him back.

"It's not a big deal. Really. I am used to made fun of. I have no issue." 

You could see his expression soften. You bid bye to him (again) and walked outside. 

But thanks to your clumsy butt, you fell again after reaching out. But not wanting to encounter Sanji again, you hurriedly picked yourself up and literally ran outside.

You sat on a bench and messaged your dad to pick you up.

I still have work to do~

You fished out your notebook from your backpack and began writing the rest. Dad isn't going to come any sooner because of his job, might as well as utilize the waiting time.  

Recipe of love (sanji x reader modern au)Where stories live. Discover now