2) Awkward Sparring

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Character: Josh Futterman

Series: Future Man

Backstory: You and Josh are sparring to help Josh practice his fighting skills.

SMUT!! (Submissive Josh)


Josh never really thought of himself as a pervert. Sure, he might of had a couple cum stained posters of Y/N on his wall, but that didn't mean anything- Right?

But now, when he had Y/N pinned to the floor of his living room due to a training session gone wrong, he couldn't deny the fact that his cock was straining against his shorts. 

Careful not to press his crotch against Y/N, Josh swallowed. "Okay- Uhm... Headlock-" He mumbled to himself, awkwardly getting Y/N into a loose headlock, not wanting to inflict any actual damage onto her .

"Wait- What are you doing?" Y/N asked, squirming slightly but not struggling too much since she was still getting used to their newfound strength. Her body felt lighter than air compared to how it did in the future, making it easier for Josh to hold her like this.

"Training method," Josh explained hurriedly, his voice cracking slightly as he tried to maintain composure. "It's supposed to help with balance and coordination." He took a deep breath before continuing, "Just... Uhm... Hold still..."

With that said, Josh began moving around the room, dragging Y/N along behind him while maintaining their precarious hold. It wasn't until she accidentally bumped into the coffee table that things escalated further. 

The impact caused both of them to lose control momentarily, resulting in Josh landing on top of Y/N, pinning her down even harder than before. His erection pressed against Y/N's lower region, leaving no doubt about his true intentions now.

"O-oh... uh, okay," Y/N managed to say between labored breaths, feeling both surprised and aroused by the sudden change in situation. 

She arched her back slightly, offering more exposure of their exposed chest and abs, knowing exactly what effect it would have on Josh.

"N-no!" he stammered out, trying futilely to pull away but finding himself unable to move due to his own increased strength. His member throbbed harder against Y/N, pressing directly onto their ass crack. "I'm sorry, I-I didn't mean t-that way!"

Josh's hands trembled as he attempted to release the hold on Y/N, his heart racing faster than ever before. His cock ached in frustration as it rubbed against her ass crack, threatening to burst through his tight jeans. "I-It's okay," she managed to croak out, voice hoarse from holding her breath. "Just... let go of me, please..."

He couldn't bring himself to meet their eyes, ashamed of how pathetic he must look right now. Instead, he focused on calming down his own rapidly beating heart and trying to catch his breath.

"Okay, okay." With a huge sigh of relief, Josh finally released Y/N, his hands shaking as he stepped back. He took several deep breaths to compose himself before turning around slowly, expecting the worst from their reaction. But instead, he found Y/N, staring at him with one eyebrow raised and a slight smirk playing on her lips.

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