1) The Chair Scene

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Character: Josh Futterman

Series: Future Man

Backstory: You were a character in Josh's favorite videogame: Biotic Wars. He had been obsessed with you since he first started playing it.

NSFW intro!


"Fuck yeah-"

Josh breathed, his words mixing with the lewd sounds of his desperate stroking as he jerked himself off, pictures of lewd fanart depicting Y/N on his computer screen. Breathing heavy and chest heaving, Josh almost couldn't handle it, the grip on his cock growing with each stroke. 

He imagined Y/N's tight hole wrapped around his dick, voice begging for him to go harder, faster. He could practically see his edge quick approaching, threatening to overcome him.

"Yeah, you fuckin' like that, Y/N?"

God, he was so close. He quickened his pace, chasing his release that seemed ever so close. He noticed himself thrusting into his own hand, the chair beneath him creaking a bit. His breath hitched as his toes curled his back arching slightly, Josh was almost there, almost there until-

"Future Man."

A familiar voice peirced through his lust fueled fantasies making his eyes shoot wide open, looking towards the voice, Josh almost fell over. Someone who looked just like Y/N?.

"W-What the hell?"

Josh stumbled backward, his hand finally releasing his throbbing cock as he tried to process what he saw. 

A figure bearing a striking resemblance to Y/N stood before him, wearing similar attire: baggy pants that hugged their toned legs and a loose dark hoodie covering their torso. Their face remained concealed by the hood, but there was no doubt in Josh's mind—this was them. The real version of the character from his favorite game! His heart raced wildly, adrenaline coursing through his veins as he struggled to comprehend this impossible situation.

"I... I know you!" He managed to croak out, backing away slowly until he bumped into the wall behind him. "You're not supposed to be here! I mean, err... I mean..."

He couldn't bring himself to admit that he had been fantasizing about having sex with them just moments ago. Instead, he cleared his throat nervously, trying to regain some semblance of composure. "Uh... So, uh, um... What can I do for ya?"

The figure—the real Y/N—stepped closer, their presence making waves of heat wash over Josh. Their eyes glowed with an otherworldly light that sent shivers down his spine. "I need your help, Future Man."

Their voice was deep and melodic, almost hypnotizing in its pitch. Despite his confusion and panic, there was something about it that calmed him slightly, like a lullaby after a storm. He couldn't tear his gaze away from the enigmatic figure standing before him.

"W-What kind of help?" he asked hesitantly, swallowing thickly. His mind raced with possibilities: maybe they needed someone to fix a broken machine? Or perhaps they wanted advice on how to level up faster in Biotic Wars? But those thoughts were quickly replaced by another nagging suspicion that made his heart race even faster. Could this really be happening? Was he finally meeting the woman of his dreams? No, no, stop thinking that way! She's just a character from a stupid game... Right?

"The fate of the entire future depends on it," the figure said cryptically, pulling down their hood to reveal Y/Ns face. Their eyes locked with Josh's, filled with determination and a hint of desperation.Josh gasped, his mouth dropping open in disbelief. The real Y/N stood before him, flesh and blood, not just some pixelated avatar anymore! But that couldn't be possible... Or could it? After all, he had just seen them materialize out of thin air moments ago. He shook his head vigorously, trying to clear away the foggy thoughts clouding his judgment.

"N-No way..." he muttered, barely able to form coherent words. "This is some sick joke, isn't it?""Time is running out, Future Man," Y/N's voice held urgency as they reached out a gloved hand towards him. The fabric of reality seemed to warp around it as if time itself was bending to their will. "You have to come with me."

Josh stared at the extended hand, hesitation fighting against the panic building inside him. He knew he shouldn't trust strangers, especially ones claiming to be from another world. But there was something about her plea, something in her eyes that made him doubt his own instincts. Plus, who else would call him by his in-game name?

"I-I can't just leave here!" Josh said, backing away further. He didn't care about his reputation or job anymore; all that mattered was staying alive. "My parents are home! They'll kill me if they find out I skipped work again."

His eyes darted around the room frantically, searching for something—anything—to use as a weapon if necessary. Maybe he could talk her into leaving him alone and going back to wherever she came from? Or maybe there was some way he could convince her that this was all a sick prank? But deep down, he knew better than to argue with someone who could bend reality itself.

"We don't have time for that, Future Man," Y/N said firmly. "If you want to save them and everyone else in the future, you need to come with me now."

The room around them began to spin, colors shifting and morphing as if caught in a kaleidoscope. Suddenly, they found themselves standing inside an abandoned warehouse... "Wait, where are we? What did you do to me?" Josh cried out, stumbling forward as the room stopped spinning. His heart raced faster than it ever had before; his entire body trembled with fear and uncertainty.

"This is what I call 'bending reality'," Y/N explained calmly, gesturing around them. "We're now in an abandoned warehouse near your house. We need privacy for our conversation."Josh took a few shaky steps towards the nearest concrete wall, his mind reeling from everything that had just happened. "So... this is really happening? You're real?" He asked hesitantly, still unable to process the situation fully.

"Yes, Future Man," Y/N nodded soberly. "I am real. My name is Y/N L/N, and I'm from the year 3021. I'm a Time Agent sent to recruit you because of your exceptional skills in Biotic Wars."Y/N stepped closer to Josh, her presence radiating an aura of authority that couldn't be ignored. Her eyes locked with his once more, filled with determination and urgency. 

"The world depends on you saving us. Please, Josh Futturman... join me."

Authors note: should i continue this?? idk

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