Chapter 20

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A/N: Hello, my fellow readers, friends, and followers! I want to apologise for the late update of this book. I haven't updated the text. I was really busy finishing my thesis, so I hope you guys can understand. Also, I would like to warn all of you that this book contains some NSFW, profanities, gore, violence, mentions of sickness, and other descriptions that might be disturbing or could trigger the readers, so I hope you guys read with caution.
P.S.: The picture is not mine; credit goes to the owner, Lecidre (Deviantart) with the title "TF4: Oprimus Prime"



Third-Person Point of View:

Just as Megatron was going to land his fist on the woman, the door to the classroom slammed open with a resounding crash. In the doorway stood none other than the leader of the Autobots. His blue eyes stared at Megatron and Starscream with a cold gaze, with Bumblebee at his side. It was not mistaken that the yellownette and the bluenette autobots heard Blurr's raged yell when he was screaming at the top of his lungs.
"Megatron and Starscream, Let Y/N and her brother go. Do not harm the two of them," he says, stepping closer.


It was not expected that the certain leader of the Autobot would come to their aid as if their prayer had been answered by the Allspark. They were also not expecting the leader of the Autobot to bring his smaller friends. The yellow scout raises his fists in front of his face to guard his face against an upcoming punch. (Y/N)'s eyes widened in surprise, and her spark that was beating loudly calmed down.
"Bumblebee! Optimus!" (Y/N) still could not believe they were both in front of her eyes.
"Optimus and his loyal servant, Bumblebee. I see you have joined the party." Megatron's crimson eyes shift to the two.

Optimus's blue eyes squint at Megatron, his towering frame casting a shadow across the room as his shadow gets larger and larger with every step. The two leaders stood on opposite ends of the classroom as they faced each other.
"Megatron, "What are you doing to (Y/N) and her brother?" Optimus Prime's voice resonated like a thunderclap, cutting through the silence.
"Optimus, my old friend, is there something you're not telling us? Could it be that you have a soft spot for our dear (Y/N)?" Megatron sneered, his eyes narrowing with a sly glint.
"Save your petty provocations, Megatron. You are harming two innocent people for no apparent reason, and if you have a problem with me, talk about it to me instead of hurting them," Optimus retorted, his voice unwavering.

The resonating echo of Optimus Prime's declaration that (Y/N) and her brother were innocently hung in the air, and the room seemed to hold its breath. Megatron, however, responded with a booming laughter that reverberated through the classroom.
"What's so amusing, Megatron?" Optimus Prime demanded, his optics narrowing at the grey-haired deception.
"Oh, Optimus, if only you knew the truth about your precious (Y/N). Innocence is a facade, a mere illusion that shields the secrets within. Perhaps I should enlighten you, dear friend."

Megatron's sinister smirk deepened as he cast a glance towards the girl with (H/C) hair colour and her older brother. The Decepticon leader taunted Optimus Prime with a sly question that hung in the air like a dark omen.
"Should I enlighten Optimus about everything?" Megatron's crimson eyes gleamed with anticipation as he took a glance between (Y/N) and Blurr.
(Y/C) eyes widened in a mixture of shock and fear; the dire state of the situation made her speechless. Unable to find words, her gaze instinctively sought comfort in her brother, who, unfortunately, remained restrained under the taunting grip of Starscream's arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2023 ⏰

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