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((Hailey's POV -2020-))

I half run, half stomp up my stairs. For the love of Luni, why is Zander so over dramatic?! I was just trying to play Barbies with Beth, and he slams the front door open and runs upstairs without saying a word to me, Shannon, or Bethany! I eventually reach his room after what seems like hours, and angrily knock on his door. "Zander, stop being an over dramatic idiot and open the door!"
After a minute he opens the door and stares into my soul like a demon. "What the hell do you want." Zander asks me sarcastically. I roll my eyes to balance out the sarcasm. "I want to know why you're so upset." I tell him, walking into his room and sitting on his bed without an invitation to come in. He glares at me. "Why are you upset?" He replies. I put on a confused face to mask my annoyance. "Huh? I'm not upset." I lie. He sits down next to me. "Hailey, you're upset. Tell me why." Zander says. I look down at my feet and don't respond. He sighs. "You aren't good at hiding your emotions, dumbass." He says bluntly, still staring into my soul.
I snap.
"Oh, shut up, you fatherless grape." I yell at him. He looks shocked. "What the fuck was was that for?!" I cross my arms and stand up. "That was for being a nosey idiot!" I yell, voice cracking. I know I shouldn't be saying these things. "You're the bitch who shuts herself in her room for hours for no reason!" Zander spits back angrily. The tears are still forming in my eyes, an my voice continues to crack more. "SHUT UP!" I scream. I walk over to Zander's door and go out of his room. "Close the door." Zander tells me. I slam it shut as hard as possible. It makes a loud 'bang' noise. I stand there in front of Zander's room for a second before breaking down in tears and opening my bedroom door. I walk inside my dark room and slam the door just as loud, sinking down on the floor next to my door. I know I shouldn't have fought back, but it's so so hard not to. I don't like November, even if it wasn't technically the month yet. It's not just because of the weather and overall vibe, it's because I miss my mom too much and it's hard to cope. I know that I have another family now, but it's too much for me to handle. I continue to sob heavily under my breath, and stand back up slowly. I walk over to my dresser, where my I open a drawer filled with balled up notes from over the years. I un-ball them one by one.
Those were the level of insults from elementary school. They escalated in grade 6.
And finally, one of my least favourite words on this planet;
I read the ugly word aloud, my voice still shaking and tears still rolling down my face. That word would mean nothing to me if it weren't for some imbeciles with no life. If I could, I would hide myself in a world where that word didn't exist and my mom was still alive. But sadly, that world isn't real. Maybe in some other world, though. I grab my phone from my pocket, connect my AirPods to it, and click on my music playlist. I don't care what Drew says, I like music, deal with it.
"Days seems at times as if they'll never end"
"The sun digs it's heels to taunt you"
"But every single day"
"One thing stays the same"
"Rises the moon~"
All I hear is the sound of music playing over my AirPods, and into my ears. I lay down on my bed and bury myself in my blankets. It's been an annoyingly long day, but everything seems to annoy me now. School, home, Dad, people, anything or anyone. I lay there for a while. Could've been a minute, an hour, a day, a week, a year. It certainly felt like a year. Actually, scratch that. A thousand years. I check the time on my phone. It's only been a minute. Wow, and I thought Zander was the over dramatic sibling. I can hear Zander open his door and walk downstairs. I check my phone again. Now it's been 2 minutes. I can hear my family eating. 7 minutes. I can hear Shannon and my Dad cleaning up the dishes. 15 minutes. I can hear Bethany coming upstairs. 22 minutes. 25 minutes, 38 minutes, 59 minutes, 2 hours. I've burned through my playlist now, and am now listening to Rises the moon again. 2 and a half hours. 3 hours. 4 hours. 5 hours. Now it's the 4th time I've replayed my playlist. I'm starting to get tired of Rises the moon. I check my phone for the 13th time. It's 11:57 PM. Time sure flies when you're feeling depressed. I lay on my bed, in my dark room. When I was a little kid, I would get my Mother or Dad to check my closet for monsters. Now I think the only monster is myself, thanks to all the 'freak' comments I get at school.
'Welcome to the family jewels"
"Simmering Sapphire can't keep his cool"
"I can't keep my cool"
"I can't keep my"
The last song on my playlist ends, restarting the whole thing. I sigh deeply. Then I..... you guessed it, check my phone again. 12:15. I should really be sleeping, but I'll have the nightmare about my Mom again. I think tomorrow is a Tuesday, but I'm not sure. All I know is that tomorrow is Halloween and I'm gonna be dragged along with Bethany. We had a day off today, because a 12th grade student was found dead behind the school and the district thought we may need a day off to handle the loss. Maybe if I fake being sick, I won't have to go to school tomorrow- but no. Shannon will instantly notice that I'm not sick. I think I'm gonna try to sleep now. I close my eyes and rest. It takes another 2 hours, but I eventually fall asleep at 2:30 in the morning.

And wake up at 5:00 AM because of the same, stupid nightmare.

Yay, three hours of sleep for me!

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