Chapter Two: Part III

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I gasped awake, grasping at my chest, my face, my hair. Anything to get a grip on my reality. I looked around and found, the lights were still on and Derrick laid asleep beside me. He snored softly and my brows furrowed.

"What the hell is going on?" I whispered to myself, and for some reason I looked up. As if Zeus himself would materialize before me and explain exactly what the heck was happening to me.

I knew without a shadow of a doubt that that dream, had somehow not been a dream. I knew it in my gut and with everything in me. I knew something was brewing. somehow, me, derrick and vans were involved. That I played some sort of vital role. But I had never been vital to anything before.

"Find the fates."

I sighed, shaking my head like an etch a sketch. Slowly I stood, needing something. A walk, a glass of water, anything. I felt cold and nauseous. I felt alone. Alone more than anything. Because, who was I supposed to tell this to?
I looked hopelessly at the idiot passed out face down on the couch snoring like a baby.

Trudging into the kitchen I groaned, massaging my temples. I walked to the fridge then stopped. Staring at it.

"We are Dionysus."

I swallowed hard and instead walked to the sink. I gripped it with both hands as if to steady myself. Which didn't fix anything. I could feel my face crumpling.

"Oh my god" I whispered, reaching into the cabinet and grabbing a plastic cup. "I'm actually crazy." And the last bit came out in a frenzied whisper.

I turned the faucet on, holding the cup beneath it and waited until it filled. I stared out the window for a second. The room spinning around me like a bad hangover.
The dark street outside was frosty and quiet. More quiet than I preferred. Quiet enough to actually hear my thoughts. Which was explicitly unpreferred actually. I was tempted to pour myself another drink. A wise man on TikTok once said, "you can't get hit by a train if you're already on it." But it felt like I had been well and truly trampled by whatever train I'd been riding earlier. Far too late to jump out of the way. If hallucinatory maladaptive daydreaming was any indication.

Turning off the faucet, I lifted the cup to my lips and paused. The water which was supposed to be odorless suddenly wreaked with the smell of alcohol. I yelped, dropping the cup in the sink and stepping back in surprise. I stared in horror as pale pink liquid poured from the cup and into the drain. I grabbed the cup once more holding it up to inspect it. It was a normal cup pulled directly from the cabinet. Maybe I had drunkenly put a half glass of rose in the cupboard? But... I yanked the faucet on pouring another glass. What was supposed to be water and looked like water once again poured from the tap, except instead translucent pink liquid filled my cup once more. giving it another sniff I gasped, Yanking the faucet back off.

Looking back to derrick I found he still slept. Looking back to the cup I bit my lip and then dipped my tongue out, cautiously tasting the drink. And oh my god. My mouth fell open as I stared at it and then the faucet. The cup was filled to the brim with top shelf Rose. I knew it for sure because I liked rose. It was my one of my favorite types of wine. And in that second, tasting magically summoned wine. I lost it.

Dropping the cup on the ground, a scream ripped from me. The blood seemed to chill in my veins. Another deeper yell came from the living room, and then a thud, before Derrick came running into the kitchenette with a bat.

"WHO THE FU-" he stopped short finding only me and my spilled drink, and his face fell. "What the hell Baby? You scared the crap out of me. Just get another glass." 

"I'm sorry." I said breathless.

I wanted to tell him. But I just knew with my mental health records, he'd probably have me sent straight to the looney bin.

Reincarnate: The Myths & Legends of a Party GirlTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon