Chapter Two: Part I

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I stared at Vanessa in shock, my brain trying desperately to register how she was here. Or even where here was. I didn't even catch what she had said. Something about a bacha-hacka-something or whatever.  But that was not my main concern right now.

"V-Vans?" my voice cracked and I internally winced at the sound. The woman made a confused face which definitely did not put me at ease.
Looking around, first down at myself, I found my hand, a very large male hand, holding my own studded chalice and my brows raised in surprise. I sniffed it, attempting to quench my curiosity. It was sweet, with a tangy, clearly alcoholic odor, but also had a hint of a metallic-y aroma that instantly churned my stomach.

Looking back at the Vanessa-esque woman I frowned. It looked like her, but not entirely. she quirked a brow. Blinking at a loss I looked down to the people once more, as if to confirm that yes, I was in a random forest with a bunch of crazy ravers. And yes, they still raved before me.
A chill ran down my spine, confusion and frustration beginning to cloud my mind with panic. I looked back to my hand as I gingerly placed the cup on the ground at my feet, my frown grew to epic proportions.

Not necessarily at the wine or whatever it really was, but at my hand. My body.

My gaze tracked up to a muscular arm, still gracile, like a dancer, but clearly defined with masculine muscle. My body had completely changed. Other than being just bigger or more muscled, it appeared like the past two years had never even happened. I looked like how I used to look. Or painfully close to it. That more than anything made my heart quiver with fear. The familiar feelings of dysphoria I was well accustomed to, seemed to rush to the surface like a lost dog looking for its owner. And that, well, that really started to fuck me up.

I hadn't been taking the hormone pills anymore than a year, and I hadn't had any surgery or anything like that. I never entirely had the desire to. So, most people probably wouldn't have thought it was even much of a change at all. To most i'm sure i looked almost exactly the same. But those people would be wrong.

My entire figure had disappeared. No hips, no booty. The redistribution of weight jarred me a little. Maybe re-redistribution. I don't know either way I looked like a No. 2 Pencil. Though my natural fluidity still remained, my movements were jerky, unrefined, like I hadn't practiced being Audrey Hepburn every night since I was like twelve. And the itty bitty tittyies I had once sported, poof, gone. I could feel the stubble on my face like ashes in a fire and frankly, I was shocked I didn't scream. This was my nightmare. I was fairly androgynous, that's how I liked it, that's who I was. But now, well now, I was definitely somebody else and the scariest part was, I had no idea who.

The body was clothed thankfully, in incredibly soft, violet robes. They exposed most of my chest and legs... hairy legs. Ugh... The robes had only covered the manly bits really. Though, a sash type garment draped lavishly across my chest, attached to a leafy golden belt. It wasn't a bad body as far as bodies went. Definitely attractive, just, not me. Not me at all. I felt for my hair, and wanted to cry. My hair was silky as all hell, curly and cropped short. So, definitely not a strawberry milk bob. definitely not my hair.

A large adorning wreath sat atop my head and taking it off to examine it, I found it was intricately beautiful. Covered with purple and red flowers tied with intricate leafy vines that supported small bushels of grapes. I blinked in surprise bringing it closer for further inspection. small veins of gold somehow seemed to flow through the vines, pulsing with thin iridescent light. Everything about the wreath was strung together with a flecky gold that appeared to somehow gleam and flare under my fingers. It was definitely more than just a wreath, it was a crown.

As I considered everything, I found the whole situation was twinged in a rosy glow, murky with the feeling of something forgotten. Something sweet and tentative, but brimming with limitless chaotic potential. A feeling for some reason, I had always carried with me.

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