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Lan Xichen's eyes narrowed "But how did Young master Jiang lose his golden core"
Lan Sizhui's eyes wandered around the classroom of people sitting at the dark wooden desks staring at all of them "We'll explain it to the best of our abilities".

The Juniors carefully explain the events; the death of clan leader Nie, the burning of the Lan clan, and the massacre at the Jiang clan, that eventually lead to the sunshot campaign that was created by the four remaining great clans in order to take down the influential Qishan Wen Clan due to its tyranny.
After they finish everyone in the classroom is silent, the only audible noise in the classroom is the small sniffles coming from Jiang Yanli.

Wei Wuxians arms dropped and he looked over at Jiang Cheng who was comforting Jiang Yanli his complexion was clearly bothered he didn't doubt that he would give his golden core to Jiang Cheng he would do anything for his siblings, so learning demonic cultivation after would be crucial for him to keep his current strength so he didn't see anything wrong with it, but in the back of his mind he worried about what Lan Wangji thought he's apart of the gusu lan clan after all demonic cultivation would be considered even more blasphemous than it already is to them, he sighs inwardly he doesn't know why he even thought that he knows Lan Zhan already doesn't like him.

But from behind him he felt a strong reassuring hand placed on his shoulder he glanced behind him and saw it was Lan Wangji, even though no words came from his mouth nor and expressions were shown on his handsome face Wei Wuxian knew that he was comforting him, he was the only one who did,
he felt the corners of his mouth curve up as he glanced at Lan Wangji with a light blush on his face.

On the other side of the table Jin Zixuan who had previously been sitting with his usual cloud of arrogance was now looking downcast at his hands as if reviewing the information he had just learned.
Lan Xichen massaged his temples "thats why the Wen Clan had been slowly taking over more land as of late then" "yes, according to our historical records in our time they had started planning to take over for years before hand" answered Lan Sizhui.

"If the wen clan is going to do all of that why don't we kick out the students they have studying here"suggested Jiang Cheng with a fierce eyes.  Lan Sizhui's eyes widened he had forgotten that his ShuShu and his A-Yi were studying here as well, remembering all of the books he read about what happened after the war about how everyone had hated the wens not only the cultivators, but the innocent civilians as well, knowing he was in a room with soon to be sect leaders he was afraid that they would actually do something now.

"I understand that this new information will take a while to process so why don't we take a break" said Lan Sizhui towards everyone.


The juniors leave the group and make there way to classroom to discuss what they should do next.
"Was it really right to tell them all of that" questioned Ouyang Zizhen as soon as they closed the door.
"Of course it was, maybe they could...could fix everything..." said Jin Ling with his arms crossed.
Seeing this Sizhui hurriedly said "we should focus on how to get back" "but we don't know anything about the array that Senior Wei created" said Lan Jingyi. "Maybe it will wear off somehow..." Zizhen blurted out "yeah and what's the probability of that happening" countered Jin Ling. "Senior Wei should realize that we are gone and hopefully he'll come to get us soon" said Sizhui.

"If we're expecting to leave soon then do you think it would be okay if...if I spent time with..my" Jin Ling trailed off nervously fidgeting with his fingers. Lan Sizhui smiled at him "I don't see why it wouldn't be" Zizhen chimed in "yes, your mother seems like she's really nice" "also, I don't think you have to worry to much about how your father will react I'm sure she'll keep him in check" said Jingyi as he put his arm around Zizhen.


Meanwhile in the other room, Jin Zizuan looked bewildering "I cant believe I let Jiang Cheng drag me all the way here just to get told the future by some random people that and I quote "fell out of the ceiling and breaking Master Qirens back in the process" like I would of never woken up and expected this".
"Well they aren't completely "random" I mean it's kind of convenient that they were the ones that came here" said Nie Huaisang. Jin Zixuan gave him a puzzled look. "Earlier the Jin had introduced himself as your son" reluctantly explained Jiang Cheng, purposely leaving out the fact that Jin Ling said Jiang Yanli was his mother. Hearing this Jin Zixuans mouth fell open from shock "you mean that brat that looked like he had just finished crying" this comment earned him a sharp glare from Jiang Cheng who was feeling strangely protective "if you don't understand the situation then don't judge"

The juniors walked back into the room. "We've decided that we'll just wait and see if Senior Wei will come and get us after he realizes that we are missing" Proudly announced Jingyi "but how do you know that A-Xian will realize all of you are gone" politely questioned Jiang Yanli "Well someone had to slip and fall knocking all of us down on to his work desk" said Jin Ling while crossing his arms and gesturing to Zizhen. " its not my fault that Senior Wei keeps all his scrolls spread our across that floor" cried Zizhen Lan Jingyi. Dramatically hugged Zizhen to "comfort" him while Zizhen pretended to sulk in his arms.
"I hate them" Said Jin Ling to Sizhui as he cringed as their behavior.

"Don't worry Miss Jiang I'm sure he'll understand because he knows how they are" Said Sizhui with a pleasant smile.

Jiang Yanli's eyes lingered on Jin Ling for a second then to the sword on his back, she glanced at Jin Zixuan seeing the exact same golden sword the more she looked at the two the more she could see the resemblance it seems Nie Huaisang was not lying about him being Jin Zixuan's son, but Jiang Yanli was not dumb people may see her as plain or average, but she put the pieces together seeing how the boy had suddenly started to cry earlier that day just by her looking at him and how Jiang Cheng had told her to come along with his to hear what the time travelers had to say, she could tell he was her son even if everyone in the room had not told her.
She could see that Jin Ling looked like he wanted to spend time with her by the obvious way he stared at her and Jin Zixuan, But she was conflicted on how to talk to him without making him feel uncomfortable or distressed like she did earlier, maybe she would make him some soup she's going to have to somehow make Jin Zixuan come along but she doesn't worry to much when she sees Jin Zixuan looking at him.

Jin Zixuan stared at Jin Ling with a complicated expression earlier Jiang Cheng had come to his room and basically ordered him to come with him at first he was reluctant and ready to wave him off and tell him to leave but when he saw Jiang Yanli with him he saw how she was hugging herself with a worried look in her eyes he shut up and went with them. When they arrived at the classroom Lan Xichen has informed him about what had happened the day before of course he was shocked that four people had come here from the future and after listening to the events that they explained he didn't know what to do with the information he had just learned his mind was racing with questions.

But then Jiang Cheng had said something that shocked him the most out of everything "Earlier the Jin had introduced himself as your son" he suddenly remembered how when the four had walked into the classsrom with Lan Xichen he had seen the only Jin who was basically hiding behind the oldest Lan in the group with his eyes were red and puffy and when he had pointed it out to Jiang Cheng he snapped at him as if he was insulting his family which confused Jin Zixuan even more.

Jin Zixuans mind was now racing with different thoughts how was he supposed to talk to his son who was at this time just a year younger than him especially when he was staring at him like he had never seen him before.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2023 ⏰

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