Chapter 6: Stella's Mission

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Previously, in Episode 5/Chapter 5, Electra opened up to Aisha about where her vengeful side came from. They found the shimmering shells and earned the gem of self-confidence.

The girls sat at a table. The Sirenix book appeared.
"Well done, Electra and Aisha," it said. "You have earned the first gem. Now, the second location relates to another person. Venture where the dark depths of the ocean shine. A precious gem, self-confidence lies in the deeps. It's your turn, Stella!" Then it vanished.
"Where the dark depths of the ocean shine?" Musa asked, confused.
"It's the Royal Deeps," Stella replied. "The Royal Deeps are dark, but the light of the sun fills them with light! Time to visit Solaria!"
Tecna used the interplanetary device to create a portal to Solaria.

King Radius paced the castle grounds. "I'm sorry that I took Stella's ring away," he mourned. "I know she's more than just sun magic, but I didn't want her to access her moon magic."
"Why though?" Luna asked. "Stella is the fairy of the sun and the moon! You can't just stop her from accessing both sides! The ring of Solaria is part of who she is."
"I know. But based on that little incident that happened before, I decided that she shouldn't have the ring for a while. That's why I grounded her."
"I understand it was for the best, but that moon side is part of who Stella is! You can't take that away from her. Ever."

"So what made your father take away the ring of Solaria?" Bloom asked.
"Well, back when I was on Solaria, I accidentally created a moon explosion that totally shattered a piece of armor that my father prized very highly. And, as you would imagine, he got hopping mad, walked up to me, snatched the ring out of my hand, and kept it in his jewelry chest," Stella explained. "It's been two years now, but I'm so happy to get my ring back!"
Aisha looked at Stella with a no-nonsense expression.
Stella gasped. "Oh! But not as excited as I am about being part of the Sirenix quest!"
"That's the Stella we know and love!" Tecna said encouragingly.
"Well, we're here," Bloom announced, gazing at the royal palace of Solaria.
"Good luck, Stella," Musa encouraged!
Stella shouted, "Enchantix!"

"Good luck, Stella," Musa encouraged!Stella shouted, "Enchantix!"

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She dove into the water, determined to find the Royal Deeps.
"Let's see... the Royal Deeps should be about..." Stella thought aloud. Then she saw a beam of sunlight. "Here it is!"
Suddenly, a mutated jellyfish swam in her way. "Don't even think about it!" Stella snapped. She sent a sphere of moonlight at the jellyfish. "I can't beat this thing!" she cried. "Guardian of Sirenix, please help!"
Her Sirenix box appeared, revealing her Guardian of Sirenix, a mermaid with an orange top and blue fins.
"Hello, Stella, fairy of the sun and the moon," the guardian said. "My name is Irradia, your Guardian of Sirenix. How may I help you?"
Below is Irradia's design:

"Irradia, how do I defeat this mutated jellyfish?" Stella asked

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"Irradia, how do I defeat this mutated jellyfish?" Stella asked.
"You must use both sides of your magic," Irradia replied. "If you look inside yourself, you'll shine brighter than ever." Then, she vanished.
Stella pondered. "Use both sides?" Then she turned to the jellyfish and took a deep breath. "Sun and Moon Flare! Eeee-YAH!" A spiral of yellow and white magic destroyed the jellyfish.
"Yes! I did it!" Stella cheered. Suddenly, a light blue gem floated to her, and she knew that it was the gem of self-confidence.
"Way to go, Stella! That was incredible!" Aisha called.
Stella smiled, swam to the surface, and returned to normal.

Roxy knocked on the door.
"Come in," Luna said warmly.
King Radius sat on his throne, waiting for Stella. He was holding the ring of Solaria.
"Daddy!" Stella cried out, running to her father. He swept her up and gave her a big hug.
Then, sitting back down, he said, "Stella, sweetheart, I talked to your mom about this, and we have decided that you can have your ring of Solaria back. I'm sorry I took it from you. I realized that you're more than just sun magic. I only wanted you to not use moon magic because I wanted you to represent me. Now I know. So, here's your ring, fairy of the sun and the moon."
"Thank you, dad!" Stella said joyfully, holding her ring with pride.
"We killed two birds with one stone," Musa added. "You earned the gem of self-confidence and you got your ring back! I say that's a successful mission."

In the next episode/chapter, Musa and Flora will have to prove themselves to earn the gem of self-confidence. They will learn some new things about each other, and some dark secrets.

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