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THE NEXT DAY, Walker still wasn’t feeling 100%. He texted me saying that he was better than the day before, and now it was just a bad headache. I woke up at 9:00 am and headed over to his room. I knocked quietly and heard a grunt which I thought ment “come in.”

His blinds were still closed, and the lights were completely off so Inez had to feel her way around the room.

“You need light” Was all she said as she finally got to the blinds.

“I don’t want it.” He grumbled.

She let out a light laugh, saying, “Vitamin D is good for you when you’re sick”.

When he didn’t say anything else she pulled on the side string of the blinds and they opened. Light came pouring into the room, filling up as much space as it could. Which Walker didn’t like.

He stuffed his face into his pillow and curled up into a ball.

“What are you secretly a vampire?” She asked, laughing.

A muffled, “Yes” was all she could hear from him.

“Hey, what do you want to do? We could invite the rest of the cast over?” She said, pondering over ideas.

He finally rolled over and stretched, the bottom of his gray t-shirt coming up.

No, don't look, that's weird.

“Sure that sounds good” he mumbled, rubbing his eyes awake.

“I think Javon mentioned he has some board games” She said, smirking at his ruffled hair.

Walker saw this and tried to tame it, running his hands through his hair. It mostly worked, except for one stubborn strand that defied him. He persisted, trying to tuck the piece of hair under another piece of hair but the curl stayed out of place, annoying him.

After a few minutes of watching Walker struggle, she decided to help. ”Here.” she said as she tucked his curl behind his ear. The piece of hair stayed and he looked at her as if she was magical.

“What i’m not god” she snorted. 

He smiled at her gratefully. “You might as well be”.

A ping from her phone startled them both and she looked down to see that Javon had responded to her.

“Uh ok Javon is coming over here with some games and he's bringing Luis and Lucy.” She said as she looked at him to confirm if that was okay. “Y’know if at any time you aren’t feeling up for it we can cancel kay?”

“Mhhm” He nodded. He still looked pretty tired so she looked around for the thermometer to check his temperature again.

“Hey, do you know where the thermometer is?” She asked.

He shook his head. “No but you can just use your hands again.”

She rolled her eyes, half convinced that he was just hiding the thermometer so she could touch his forehead. She placed her hand on his forehead and felt that it was much better than yesterday, but still had a slight warmth to it.

“I’m gonna grab a wet towel from the bathroom and I'll be right back.” She said as she stood up. She looked over at him to see him nodding so she crossed the room and entered his bathroom.

You’d think that a middle school boy’s bathroom would be a hot mess but surprisingly, Walker kept it very neat. I mean, not that he wore any makeup products or anything, but her younger brother proved that just because you didn’t have any makeup products your bathroom can be just as messy. Henry left towels all over the floor along with dirty clothes, but Walker's floor was spotless. Not that she was snooping or anything. She rushed to grab a small hand towel and let the water run cold for a few seconds before wetting the towel. She squeezed the unnecessary excess water and exited the bathroom.

“What took you so long? Looking for my diary?” He said with a smile.

“Nah just couldn’t find the thermometer. Why? Do you have one?” She smirked, raising an eyebrow.

He shook his head. “Nope but I have a suspicion that Javon does.”

The door to his room burst open and in came Javon, Luis and Lucy. “What about me?” Javon said breathlessly. He must have ran over because he and Lucy were panting. Javon dropped all of the games onto the floor, panting.

“Oh come on a little jog and you guys are already heaving?” Luis joked.

“Man we sprinted over here, how are you not out of breath?” Lucy questioned, grabbing on to Walkers nightstand for support.

“Well that's because I work out” he said cocklily, throwing an arm around Lucy.

Lucy looked him dead in the eye. “I’m 10, I’m not really worried about my leg day right now.”

Inez had to cover her mouth to stop her from laughing.

“So what games did you bring over?” Walker asked, peering from where he laid on the bed.

Javon looked down at the floor, where the games had previously been thrown. “Uh let’s see, we got Monopoly, Potato Pirates, Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza, Scrabble, and Clue.

“Clue.” Was all Walker said.

It took a while to explain to Javon how the game worked, which included Lucy yelling at Javon, saying that he couldn't randomly take others cards. But, when Javon finally understood it was fun. Luis ended up winning which was then followed by Lucy who wanted to beat Luis.

They ended up all piled on Walker's bed playing Roblox.

~sunset~ Walker Scobell x ocWhere stories live. Discover now