~Eye cancer~

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I WAS FREAKING OUT. I mean not about the fact that Aria got with her teacher (yes that too) but I Walker was on my lap. He took the blanket I had brought from my room earlier and decided that now he was freezing and was snuggled up in the blanket.

I probably would have laughed, considering it was my burrito blanket, but I didn’t want to make any sudden movements.

He looked so relaxed, his figure loose and drawing circles on my hand. I had opened the blinds, due to his complaining about it not being bright enough in the room. I swear at that point I felt like his mother.

I'm sure he doesn't lay on his mom’s lap and draw circles on her hands.

“Now why would she do that.” Walker grumbled, and she could feel the vibrations from his body when he spoke.

“Hmm?” I asked. I had been zoned out, focusing too much on breathing in and out my nose and holding long enough breaths so that I sounded chill.

“Date her teacher, I mean there are so many possible ways that could go wrong, lets start off first with pedophilia” He said, tilting his head up on her lap, making eye contact.

“You can’t do that” I say.

“When did I ever say I wanted to date my teacher?” He gasped.

I almost choked on my spit, “No not that, I mean if you have blue eyes you can’t just stare at people”

“What are you talking about? I might not be the only one sick here.” He chuckled, leaning over and jokingly putting his hand on her forehead.

I shrugged. “I mean it should be a rule for all people with blue eyes. It’s freaky. Y’know I read an article once that having blue eyes is more of a risk for eye cancer”

He laughed, and I could feel his shoulders shake. “In what way could I get eye cancer!”

“Your eyes are more sensitive to the sun” I said, playing with a strand of his hair. The light from outside shone on his hair, highlighting the honey colored curls on his head.

He suddenly gasped, scaring me. “We should have a secret language!”

“How would that even work?” I ask, twisting one of his curls gently around my finger.

“Ok like if I tap on your first two knuckles, it means i’m happy” He explained, “and if I drag my finger across all four knuckles it means i'm nervous.”

She thought for a minute, taking her time to think of symbols. “How about if I draw a circle on your palm it means that I need to leave or get out of the situation”

“Perfect” he smiled, tapping her first two knuckles.

I’m Happy.

“We can always add more later when we want” he said softly as he focused on the show. Inez was sleepy, now that she had been laying down for a while now and stopped playing with his hair, raising her hands on her lap.

Walker let out a grumble of discomfort and wiggled his head back, near her hands. She stopped herself from laughing and resumed twirling his hair around her finger.

It was silent in the bedroom except for the sounds of the TV coming from the wall in front of them. Birds could be heard chirping outside and when the wind blew, you could faintly hear the trees rustling. It wasn’t an awkward silence though. It was the kind of silence that you didn’t feel the need to speak up in, or cover up. The kind of silence that you just relax in, the comfortable kind.

It was probably 20 minutes later when Walker broke the silence, saying, “Are you excited for filming?”

She paused to think. “I mean yeah but i’m nervous, y’know I don't really know what i’m doing and I feel like the rest of the cast knows what to do and how to do it.”


“To be honest I don’t really know what i’m doing either” he chuckled “but if you want any tips or have any questions I will answer them.”

“Thank you”

He smiled, saying, “No problem, but you better ask questions now before I die of eye cancer, you never know when eye cancer strikes.”

She let out a small laugh then stopped when she saw a bug. Not just any bug. A centipede. Oh god Walker would die if he saw this.

It was crawling around on the shelf right below the TV, getting dangerously close to crawling up the screen. Inez made a plan. Distract Walker before he saw the centipede and let it crawl away.

“Hey Walker, sit up and look at me” She said quickly.

He immediately sat up and looked at her, turning his body towards her. “What is it, what's wrong?”

“I am going to palm read you” She said, acting confident. In her defense it was the first thing she could think of that required his body towards hers.

“Hmm I don’t know, are you qualified?” Walker said, raising an eyebrow.

She tilted her head, holding out her hand. “Give me your palm”.

He gave her his right hand while he rested his head on his left. By now, the centipede had crawled up halfway across the TV and was resting there, comfortably on Hanna’s nostril.

“I sense…you will have a successful life”

“Oh well that’s great”

“I sense..oh dear…it will be a short life”

“Oh don’t tell me I did drugs”

She gasped “I sense…Oh my…the worst omen…eye cancer!”

By then the centipede had disappeared from the TV screen.

“No, but I'm too young!” he laughed, fake fainting on her. He collapsed on the sheets next to her and grabbed the blanket that had fallen during the palm reading session. He snuggled up in the blanket with a small smile on his face. 

“I just told you you’re going to die of eye cancer and you’re smiling!?” 

~sunset~ Walker Scobell x ocWhere stories live. Discover now