Part 1 of "She's Gone..."

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{Takes place near the end of season 2.
Amber and Chapa are far into their relationship.
11:15 pm}

3rd person p.o.v
Every member of Danger Force was asleep after a long day of fighting. Chapa was spending the night in the man's nest, which is never a surprise. Everyone expects her there. With Amber. Chapa has gotten to the point where she is very, very clingy to Amber. Almost never letting her hand go. She even asked Ray to move her desk closer to Amber's. But no one seems to mind. Amber is the only one who can calm Chapa down. Other than Taylor Swift(iykyk).

The cute couple was watching Coraline on the TV and ended up falling asleep. When Schwoz went to check on them before bed, he turned it off and let them sleep.

Amber was lying on Chapas lap.

It was about midnight now, and the man's nest alarms were off. The one time they were turned off. That's where it went wrong.

There was a slight pound on Amber's window, but not loud enough to wake them. It was a small rock that cracked a hole in the window. A hand slowly reaches in and unlocks it.

In sneaks in... Drex.

When Drex gets in, he looks around the room to see the couple across the carpet.

Drex: Oh, they fell asleep together. Blegh
Anyway, which one is the Captains daughter?

Drex took a good look at the girls to determine who it was because it's been a while since he's seen Danger Force and has forgotten a few things.

At first, he almost grabbed Chapa. When he saw a framed photo on the nightstand. Amber and Ray are taking a selfie in Hip Hop Puree.

Drex then realized Chapa wasn't his daughter. He double-checked to make sure they were really asleep and not faking.

Once he knew he gently grabbed Amber, careful not to wake her. He sneaks back out and closes the window, not bothering to lock it again.

Leaving Chapa alone.

(The next morning)

Chapa is slowly waking up, not in a rush because it was Saturday and there was no school.

Chapa: Good morning, love.
Reaching out for Amber's hair, but feeling nothing except her pj pants.

Chapa thinks Amber is just in the bathroom or in the kitchen. She gets out of bed and checks Amber's bathroom, and there's no one there.

She leaves the room and explores the man's nest in search of Amber. She bumps into Ray in the kitchen.

Chapa: Hey, Ray. Do you know where Amber is?

Ray: I thought she was with you.

Chapa: No, she wasn't in bed when I woke up

Ray: She's probably in the classroom then. She likes it in there for some reason

Chapa: Yeah, thanks, Ray.

Chapa leaves to the classroom but finds nothing. She's getting a little worried but doesn't want to think negatively. So, she texts everyone else. (Idk if this was established, but yes, Chapa has her phone by this point)

After text over text, everyone seemed to never see Amber at all. They all agree to meet at school to figure it all out.

Now is when Chapa begins to freak out.
All of these thoughts of what could've happened are going through her head.
She's starting to lose her breathing, shaking uncontrollably. She falls to her knees, gripping the desk.

A panick attack. Chapa is used to this, but it's different this time. There is no reassurance. There's no Amber to calm her down, no one to hold her hand.

She can feel her eyes start to water as she finds it harder and harder to breathe.

Just on time, Schwoz walks in. He doesn't know how to handle it. But he knows that she needs Amber.

He pulls up a video on his tablet, showing it to Chapa. Chapa immediately starts to calm down just a little bit.

It was a recording of Amber's voice. On a mission where she was grounded and not allowed to fight crime. She was giving reassurance from their shared ear peices.
Encouraging them to keep fighting. Schwoz was smart and record everything she said.

It was helping, but not fully. But Chapa could actually speak now. Schwoz offered his hand and helped Chapa up.

Schwoz: Are you okay?

Chapa: Yeah, thank you, Schwoz.

Schwoz: I'm always here.

After a while of deep breaths, Chapa was finally calm.

Soon, Mika busts the door open.

Mika: Alright, let's find Amber.

Miles: Has anyone tried calling her?

Chapa: No use. Her phone is still in her room.

Bose: If only she was chipped.

Mika: Honey, no.

Ray: Actually....


Ray: NO OF COURSE NOT. But if she was wearing her watch, it might count.

Chapa: She was! Can you track her location?

Schwoz: Yes! It can also allow me to call her as well.

Miles: Do it!

Schwoz: Okay, okay. Pushy

Schwoz pulled up his computer and looked up Amber's location.

Ray: Right there! Where is that?

Mika: It's Nakatomi Tower!

Bose: Why is Amber there?

Chapa: I have no idea. Call her.

Schwoz: Calling.

Schwoz called about 3 times and always no answer.

Miles: Try again! I'm feeling this one.

Mika: Weird, but yes. Try again!

Schwoz called one last time. This time, there was an answer.

Chapa: Amber! Hello?

Unknown: Hiii

Bose: Who is that?

Ray: I know that voice.

Unknown: I know you do, Ray.

Ray: Drex.

Drex: That's me.

Chapa: What did you do with Amber?!

Drex: Unfortunately, I can not share that information. But feel free to drop a visit. I would love to fight.

Mika: Why are you at Nakatomi Tower?

Drex: Good view.

Bose: I get it.

They all look at Bise confused, but move the call along.

Miles: Let us talk to Amber. Right now.

Drex: Sure. Amber, your friends would like to say hi.


Drex: Well, there's that. She's unconscious. Sorry, not sorry. Bye losers.

Chapa: She's gone...

The call ends.

Now, what will they do?
Did Amber ever wake up?
Does Drex want to reveal the plan?
How many secrets are being kept?
I give credits to localredhairedone for this idea! ♡

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