Chapter 3- "Monsters"

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Chapter 3-

Derek and I were standing by the entrance of the woods, Erica and Boyd in the crowd watching the lacrosse game, while Isaac stayed back at the loft.

I could faintly hear voices, making them out to be Allison Argent and her grandfather Gerard, "I knew I should of brought a warmer jacket." Allison mumbled as she rubbed her arms it's her hands.

Gerard was quick to take off his coat, "You're cold, here take my jacket." He wrapped it around his granddaughter, earning a small smile from her. It look like a nice gesture before I saw her searching the pockets, and pulling out a key.

As Stiles was sneaking up under the bleachers, I bumped Derek's shoulder and pointed my chin in their direction, watching Stiles take the keys and walk away.

"Come on." Derek grabbed my elbow and pulled me towards the school, where Stiles was heading. We followed his scent, hearing him and Erica's voices in the pool room.

"Hello Stiles." I smirked as he turned around to be met by my face, Derek standing next to me.

"Amelia, Derek," Stiles stared wide eyed at me and the older werewolf.

Derek walked up and gripped his arm in his hand, pulling him toward him, "What did you see at the mechanics garage." He demanded rather than questioned.

He pulled his arm free, crossing them befrie sarcastically replying, "Uh, several alarming EPA violations that I'm seriously considering reporting." He looked smugly at Derek before Derek roughly grabbed his arms again, "Holy god."

"Let's try that again."

"Uh alright, so the thing was slick looking. Um skin was dark, kind of patterned. Uh I think I actually saw scales." He tried to walk away but I stood in his way. "Is that enough? Because I have someone I really need to talk to." He tried to leave again but Derek kept his hold on him, "Hmm, alright, eyes. Uh eyes were uh yellowish, and slitted. Uh has a lot of teeth. Oh, and it had a tail. Are we good?"

I heard a slight hiss and looked up, to see the exact creature Stiles just described sitting at the roof on a platform above us. "Uh guys."

He turned to me, while Derek and Erica followed my gaze, "What? Wait, have you seen it? You have this look on your faces like you know exactly what I'm talking about." Stiles said, not realizing its directly above him.

"Stiles, above you." He looked up, "Oh my god. Oh my god." He started freaking out, as it hissed at us and Erica tried to attack it, but it cut her neck and she fell paralyzed. Next was Derek, he punched the giant lizard repeatedly, not affecting it.

I ran over to Stiles and pulled him away from it, his mouth was gaping and his eyes wide, he turned to me and whisper/yelled, while flailing his arms "What the HELL is that?"

I smacked my hand over his mouth, quickly shushing him as Derek continued fighting my not-so-friendly giant lizard friend. It felt like slow motion as I watched the lizards claws come up and scratch Derek's neck, he reached up to grab the cut and turned to look at me and Stiles.

"Shit, shit, shit! Catch him!" I screamed at Stiles as Derek was falling towards the pool, as Stiles caught him, his weight seemed to overcome Stiles and they both fell in the pool together. "Oh shit, shit!" I watched as Stiles struggled with Derek's weight and pulled my phone out of my pocket, placing it on the ground before diving in the pool over to them. "Hiya, you look like you need some help there." I said sarcastically to Stiles, grabbing Derek's other side, slinging an arm over my shoulder.

"Oh wow Amelia, looks like a spectacular time to use sarcasm, huh?" Stiles snarled at me while I smirked. "And smirking! Oh my god."

"Just shut up! Both of you!" Derek yelled.

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