crystal clear love

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It was nighttime, Lilyfay, Owlette, and Gekko have just defeated Octobella.

Octobella:I will destroy you guys, especially you, lizard boy!Octobella declared, leaping back onto the Octo-Legs and evacuating.

Lilyfay:Another mission accomplished, galactic zing!Lilyfay exclaimed, flying around in the air.

Owlette:And just in time, it's going to be morning soon.

Gekko:Shoot, and tomorrow is Valentine's Day, so we've got to prepare by making cards for our Valentines!Gekko realized.

Lilyfay:What's that?

Gekko:Valentine's Day is a special holiday where you can express your love and affection for someone by giving them cards, flowers, or gifts.Gekko explained.

Owlette:Exactly, like how I'm going to get Catboy a special gift.

Gekko:Same with me, with Luna.

Lilyfay:Who do I give a gift to?

Gekko:Ice Cub, who else?

Lilyfay:Well, what do I give him?

Owlette:You can give him anything, as long as it comes from the heart and shows how much you care.Owlette suggested, making Lilyfay think about what she should give Ice Cub.

Owlette:But remeber, Valentine's Day isn't just about the gifts, it's mainly about-

Lilyfay:Thanks, Owlette, I'll keep that in mind cya!Lilyfay interjected, departing, taking off in the sky.

Owlette and Gekko exchanged confused glances, but, shrugged it off and walked away.


Lilyfay was hovering over the moat, thinking about the perfect Valentine's day gift for Ice Cub.

Lilyfay:What kind of gift would be perfect for Ice Cub, come on, Lilyfay, think, think!Lilyfay urged herself, pacing through the air anxiously..

Lilyfay:I can't afford to go small, if I give him the wrong gift, I'll ruin Valentine's Day!Lilyfay exclaimed, getting consumed by her thoughts, then something was glowing on the ground below, drawing her attention.

Lilyfay:What's that?Lilyfay wondered, descending to the ground, she discovered it was a blue crystal.

Lilyfay:A blue crystal?Lilyfay mused, as she reached down to pick it up, her star emblem began to glow, with her eyes turning blue then back to normal.

Lilyfay:Whoa, this crystal is pulsing with galactic energy, and it feels completely harmless, it's perfect for Ice Cub!Lilyfay realized, a wide grin spreading across her face.

Lilyfay:Maybe I won't have to worry about ruining Valentine's Day after all, ZING!!!Lilyfay said, joyfully, soaring into the sky.

But lurking beneath the surface of the moat, was Octobella with her head rising up in the moat.

Octobella:We'll see.Octobella chuckled, evilly, as she vanished back into the moat.

*In the daytime*

The Pj Masks accompanied by Ivan, made their way to school.

Ivan:Valentine's Day, a holiday where you get to spend it with people you love, like how I love you guys.Ivan remarked, pulling them into a hug.

Connor:Amaya, are you okay, what's with the face?Connor inquired, noticing her expression.

Amaya:Oh, it's nothing, it's just Lilyfay.

Ivan:What about her?

Amaya:Well, she didn't know what Valentine's Day is until we told her, and she seemed a bit worried about getting you a gift, Ivan.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14 ⏰

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