merry Gloop-mas pt 2

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On the planet Gloop, Santa found himself ensnared in a ball of gloop, yet his reindeer and sleigh remained miraculously unharmed.

Santa:What do you want from me, I've got presents to deliver to kids all over the world.he declared defiantly.

Gloop the Third:Well, I want to take over this so-called holiday named Christmas and gloop it and you'll be a piece of helping me fulfill that, thankfully, my Gloopets did the research about you.he sneered, pointing at the Gloopets who were studying Christmas picture books.

Gloop the Third:I need to take apart your sleigh, put it on my Gloopster, and attach your or should I say, mine reindeer to the Gloopster, this will give me the power to travel all around Earth and gloop it.he explained, cackling with evil delight, the Gloopets joining in on the sinister laughter.

Gloop the Third:Gloopets, go and take that sleigh apart and use the pieces to modify the Gloopster.he ordered, the Gloopets, armed with tools, obediently set about dismantling Santa's sleigh.

Meanwhile, concealed behind a massive rock, the Pj Masks Power Heroes observed the scene.

Gekko:*whisper*Okay, guys, do you understand the plan?he asked, holding a mysterious box.

Each member of the team nodded, though uncertainty lingered in their expressions.

Newton Star:*whisper*Gekko, are you sure this plan will work?he voiced his concerns about the plan.

Gekko:*whisper*Don't worry, it will work.he assured them.

the Gloopets stood poised to dismantle Santa's sleigh, suddenly,  the Power Heroes, donned in Santa hats and brandishing big candy canes and presents.

Gloop the Third:Ah, Power Heroes, Gloopets, gloop them!he ordered.

Gekko:Wait, we're not here to attack,we're here to give.he declared, holding up presents in a gesture of peace.

Gloop the Third:This sounds like a trick.he scoffed.

Gekko:I swear it's not a trick, it's a gift for you and your Gloopets.he asserted.

Gloop the Third:Hmm, okay then, Gloopets, retrieve those gifts and bring them here so we can see what they are.he instructed, prompting the Gloopets to snatch the gifts from Gekko and present them to their leader.

Gloop the Third and the Gloopets unwrapped their gifts, revealing different colored Santa hats.

The Gloopets, overcome with joy, donned their hats and danced around gleefully, Gloop the Third, however, examined his hat with a skeptical gaze.

Gekko:*whisper*Its gonna work.he confidently said, he nudged Newton's arm.

Gloop the Third:Meh, it's not that good.he dismissed, tossing the hat aside.

Gekko:Really, it doesn't make you feel the Christmas cheer or the importance of Christmas?he queried.

Gloop the Third:No, it's a puny hat after all, this just makes me want to gloop Christmas even more, Gloopets, throw your hats away and start glooping the Power Heroes!he ordered, as the Gloopets discarded their hats and unleashed a barrage of gloop upon the Power Heroes.

Gekko:I thought that would work.

Ice Cub:It was worth a shot.

Lilyfay:Guys, I'll try to free Santa, you distract them.she instructed, soaring towards Santa.

However, just as Lilyfay was about to reach Santa, a cunning Gloopet intercepted her, ensnaring her in a ball of gloop.

Before anyone could react, all the Power Heroes found themselves trapped in gloop spheres.

Gloop the Third:Once again, the Power Heroes get glooped by none other than Gloop the Third!he proclaimed triumphantly.

Gloop the Third:Instead of modifying my Gloopster with your sleigh, I'll just ride your sleigh and gloop everything, come on, Gloopets!he declared, leading them to Santa's sleigh.

Gloop the Third:Go forth, you gloop-deers!he commanded the reindeer, initiating their flight.

Gloop the Third:Good, now how do you work this thing?he said, as he started to press random buttons on the sleigh, but Gloop the Third's attempts to control the sleigh resulted in a chaotic ascent.

Catboy:Great, now we have to save Gloop the Third.he said sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

Bastet:Yes, but we are still stuck in this gloop.she pointed out.

Newton Star:Don't worry, got an idea, lilyfay, use your Starlight Zing as hard as you can while I use my Star Power.he suggested, receiving a nod from Lilyfay.

Newton Star and Lilyfay:STAR POWER/STARLIGHT ZING!!!they declared, utilizing their abilities to break free from the gloop, including Santa.

Catboy:Nice job, Newton and Lilyfay. Now, how are we going to stop this?

Santa:If only I were back on my sleigh, then I could adjust it back.he mused, Gekko's eyes lit up with inspiration.

Gekko:Guys, I've got another idea, Owlette, can you fly Santa up and drop him off his sleigh, it might give him an opportunity to regain control.he suggested.

Owlette:I can do that. Come on, Santa, it's time to be Power Heroes.she declared, picking him up and ascending towards the sleigh.

Gloop the Third:Gloopets, this is getting too out of control, even for me, let's evacuate.he declared, he and the Gloopets leaped off the sleigh, landing in a puddle of gloop.

Owlette:That takes care of Gloop the Third, now, onto the sleigh, ood luck, Santa.she wished, gently landing Santa in the sleigh before soaring away.

Santa:Oh, how I missed you, my sleigh and reindeer, but now is the time to be a hero.he declared, gripping the reins and exerting every ounce of strength to regain control.

It was hard, but Santa's determination prevailed, and soon the sleigh steadied, flying around with its customary grace.

Santa:HO ho ho, my sleigh is back!he exclaimed, spreading joy as the Power Heroes erupted in cheers.

Santa:Thank you for saving me again, Power Heroes!he expressed his gratitude, circling around them.

An Yu:It was our pleasure, Santa Claus.

Santa:Wait, how am I going to make it back down to Earth in time to deliver all the presents?

Bastet:Don't worry, I've got that covered.she declared, summoning her Sun Disc.

With a toss, the disc transformed into a portal, and the Power Heroes, along with Santa, leaped into it.

Gloop the Third:As soon as I get out of this gloop, then I'll soon gloop all your holidays, just you wait, Power Heroes, I'll be back!he vowed, while the Gloopets, undeterred, adorned their Santa hats once more and began singing Christmas carols in a strange and offbeat harmony.


Santa, having successfully delivered presents all over the town with the assistance of the Pj Masks Power Heroes.

Santa:Thank you, Pj Masks Power Heroes, for helping me deliver the rest of the presents.

Catboy:No problem Santa.

Santa:Well, I'm going to be off delivering the rest of the presents to the world, it was nice working with you guys.

Gekko:It was nice working with you too, Santa, have a nice Christmas.

Santa:You two, and to end off our Christmas adventure, PJ MASKS POWER HEROES ALL SHOUT HURRAY!!!he declared, taking to the skies.



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