Chapter Three

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Today was the day. It was Jimin's birthday. His 22nd birthday to be exact. It was early in the morning and the birthday boy had yet to wake up. That is, until Seung let an overly excited Hoseok into their apartment.
"Why are you still sleeping?! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!" He shouted, boucing obnoxiously on the bed.
Jimin tried his best to ignore the loudmouth and excessive bouncing, to no avail. "Please, Hobi. Stop shaking the bed."
"Not until you get up~" Hoseok shook his head, continuing to bounce. "Wake up, wake up!"
Jimin, realizing there was no way around it, sat up and glared at his joyful friend. "Why are you more excited for my birthday than I am?"
"Because, I get to celebrate it with you." Hoseok, without warning, lunged at his friend, ambushing him with affection, causing them both to fall back on the bed. "You know how happy that makes me."
"When aren't you happy?" Seung said from the threshold.
"When he's at work, because the guy that always visits hasn't been visiting." Jimin teased.

"Don't remind me!" Hoseok whined, burying his face into the neck of his friend. "I really really liked that guy, and he just stops showing up out of the blue. What if something bad happened to him?"
"Like, he died?" Seung asked.
"No, not that bad!" Hoseok cried.
"Seung, why would you say that?" Jimin glared at his boyfriend.
"Well, he said bad." Seung shrugged. "Anyways, get up. We're going out. You too, Hoseok."
"What?" Both Jimin and Hoseok asked in unison.
"You heard me. We're going out."
"Have you been morning drinking again?" Jimin asked.
"Haven't had a drop of liquor for two days, Jimin."
"What? Really?" Jimin had been more than excited to hear that. He slipped from Hoseok's grasp and rushed over to hug his boyfriend, who this time around, didn't push Jimin away. "Is it gonna stay this way?" Jimin asked, hopefully.
"I hope so." Seung nodded, pushing Jimin's hair from his face to kiss his forehead. "Its my birthday gift to you."
"Aw, how cute!" Hoseok watched the two. "Say, where are you taking us, Seung?"
"Wherever Jimin wants to go."
"Wait, should I call Hanji and tell him to come over?" Jimin asked.
"Yeah! Do it!"
"No." Seung scoffed.
"Why not?" The two, once again, asked in unison.
"From the few times I've interacted with him, he seems to want all the attention on him at all times."
"That doesn't change the fact that he's my friend. He deserves to be with us. Plus, he's supposed to be bringing his boyfriend." Jimin nodded. "So, I'm calling him anyway." He said with a smile before leaving the two to make a phone call.
"I'm really glad you're doing this for Minnie." Hoseok nodded, standing up from the bed. "I knew you weren't all that bad."
"I have my days just like the next guy." Seung shrugged.
"Don't we all?"
"Okay you guys, Hanji says he's on his way, but his boyfriend isn't coming." Jimin returned.
"Why not?" Hoseok asked.
"Hanji said something about him being busy or something."
"Well, that's too bad. I was really looking forward to meeting this mystery man." Hoseok saddened, but shrugged it off. "So! While we're waiting, where do you wanna go today?"
"I'm not sure." Jimin admitted, fumbling through his drawers for clothes to wear. "I really wanna go out, and maybe drink a little, you know?"
"Well, why don't we go to Hana's bar. I'm sure she wants to see you anyway." Seung suggested.
"Right! We definitely have to do that." Jimin agreed.
"Isn't it a little too early to be drinking though?" Hoseok asked.
"Its up to the birthday boy. Do you wanna start early, or do you wanna do something else and then hit the bar?" Seung asked.
"Hm..." Jimin paused. "Let's catch an early movie, then we can go shopping for a bit, then we can go see Hana." Jimin nodded.
"Sounds like a plan." Seung nodded and Hoseok agreed. "We just have to wait for Hanji to get here. Why does he always take so long?"
After a while of waiting for Hanji, he finally made it to their apartment.
"It's about time you showed up." Jimin said to Hanji.

"I like to take my time when I get ready to go somewhere." Hanji nodded.
"Any longer and you would've gotten left." Seung mentioned.
Hanji turned to look at Seung. "There's no way you'd leave me." He then winked at him, which Hoseok seemed to be the only one that saw.
"Hey, what happened with your boyfriend?" Hoseok asked randomly.
Both, Hanji and Seung had been staring one another down, until Hoseok said something. "Well, uh.. He said he didn't want to come because things would have been awkward for him, since he doesn't know you guys." Hanji told them. "Maybe next time."
Hoseok, not knowing why, felt the need to keep an eye on those two. If he didn't know better, he'd say they were just flirting. But, of course they weren't, right? They both were in relationships, so maybe they were just joking. "Right, maybe next time." Hoseok then averted his attention to Jimin, who managed to miss everything due to the fact he was trying to find shoes to wear.
"Okay, now are we ready?" Jimin asked while lacing up a pair of black and white sneakers.
The day had went by faster than the group had expected. Having fun makes the time fly, huh? Now, the sun was going down and the group of four found themselves at Hana's bar.
"Hey guys!" Hana greeted them from behind the bar. "Have a seat anywhere and I'll be right over after I make these drinks."
"Wow, even with all these people in here, she still looks energetic." Hoseok watched Hana as she was talking to the few customers sitting at the bar.
"You and Hana would make great friends, I bet." Jimin nodded as he led his friends to a booth near the back. "Alright guys, Don't let me drink too much." Jimin scooted into the booth.
"No promises." Seung snorted and sat beside Jimin. "I've never really seen you drink, so I'm curious."
"He can't hold his liquor." Hoseok teased. "All he needs is three shots and he'll be down for the count."
"Not true!" Jimin denied.
"I can see that happening." Hanji nodded
"we'll see about that!" Jimin was now anxious to prove his friends wrong. "Just wait until Hana gets over here."
"Hey, Hana. Sorry I'm late. I got caught in traffic."
Hana averted her attention from her customers to her pale, black-haired cousin, who walked through the door ready to work.
"Jesus, Yoongi, you ever thought about getting a little sunlight every once in a while?" Hana teased.
"Fuck you, Hana. No matter how many hours I spend in the sun, I'm still the same." He scoffed.
"Anyway, I'm swamped over here, so I need you to see what my friends in the back booth want to drink."
"Sure thing." Yoongi nodded, and made his way to the booth Jimin and the others had been sitting at. "Hey guy, what drinks will you be having tonight?"
"Hey! You look really familiar." Jimin looked up at the guy standing in front of them.
"That's great, but what do you want to drink?" Yoongi asked, while tapping his wrist as if he were wearing a watch.
Jimin thought for a moment, before giving the others a devilish grin. "Bring some Vodka."
"What?!" Hoseok shook his head. "I'm not good with Vodka, and neither are you."
"Shhh, It's my birthday! Bring us some Vodka!" Jimin cheered.
"Vodka, it is." Yoongi nodded and left the booth.
"Ooh, he was cute, am I right?" Hanji asked.
"Not really my type." Hoseok shook his head.
"Yeah, because he's not the animal lover guy." Seung snorted.
Hoseok covered his red face while the others laughed. "It's not funny, guys." Hoseok whined. "I haven't seen him in weeks so leave me alone."
"Aw, poor Hobi." Hanji put his arm around Hoseok and pulled him in for a hug. "I bet he'll come back soon."

"Here's your bottle of Vodka, on the house." Yoongi returned.
"Tell Hana I said thanks!" Jimin nodded.
"But, you when you fell down the steps, you looked so helpless! I couldn't help but laugh!" Hanji said to Hoseok after filling his glass and taking a shot.
"You're the one that tripped me!" Hoseok laughed along with Hanji.
"I didn't think you would really fall."
"You used to be so mean to me back in high school." Hoseok whined.
"Yeah, but that was before we were friends."
"So wait, Hanji used to be mean to you?" Jimin asked, slurring his speech a bit.
"Before you transferred to our school, Hanji used to hate me!"
"Yeah, but Jimin got me to tolerate you a little. Now look at us!" Hanji smiled.
"Take a shot for friendship." Seung nodded as he filled each shot glass with more Vodka.
"I'm having so much fun you guys!" Jimin leaned his head on Seung, who was in the process of stealing glances at Hanji, which again, Hoseok saw.
"Are you guys doing alright?" Yoongi stopped by their booth to check on them.
"Now, I remember you!" Jimin popped up. " You're that guy that bumped into me last week."
"Ohh, yeah. You're that guy that was too stupid to look where he was going." Yoongi nodded.
"Whoa, don't call him stupid." Seung said, suddenly feeling protective.
"Well, its a little too late. I already did." Yoongi shrugged.
Seung stood, and was a bit taller than Yoongi, but he wasn't at all intimidated. "So what, are you gonna apologize to him?" Seung asked.
"For what? I didn't do anything wrong."
"Seung, please. Just leave him alone." Jimin tugged on Seung's shirt, only to have Seung smack his hand away.
"I will fight you, right here, right now!" Seung spat.
"Again, for what? You're really blowing things outta proportion, man."
"Seung, ple-" Jimin's sentence was cut short by the sudden urge to vomit. He completely dismissed the altercation and rushed to the bathroom. The only one who seemed like they cared enough to go check on him was, you guessed it, Hoseok. While Jimin and Hoseok were absent from the table, Hanji stood and tried to calm Seung down.
"Seung, baby, you need to calm down." Hanji nodded. "You can't really be considering fighting this guy. He's not worth it."
"Yeah, listen to your boyfriend. I'm not worth it." Yoongi agreed. "I can't even really fight."
"Then that'll just make it easier for me."
"No, you're not gonna fight him. Come on, lets go to my place before you get the cops called on you." Hanji too Seung's hand, and pulled him out of the bar, not caring much about leaving Jimin or Hoseok.
"Jeez, what an asshole." Yoongi muttered and returned to the bar.
"Where are they going?" Hana asked, finally able to breathe as the bar was less crowded.
"I don't know, but that guy Seung is a piece of work. He tried to fight me." Yoongi informed. "If his boyfriend didn't pull him out of here, I'm sure he would have punched me square in the face."
"That guy isn't his boyfriend." Hana told him.
"Oh.. Sure seemed like it."
"His boyfriend is one with the brown hair, that sort of resembles a lost puppy." Hana nodded.
"Ohhh, him? That's his boyfriend? No wonder he got so protective." Yoongi shrugged. "Oh well."
"Jesus Christ, Jimin." Hoseok mumbled as he was struggling to get the drunken Jimin out of the bathroom. "Why'd have to go and drink so much?"
"I don't know..." Jimin mumbled back.
"Hey, Hana. Where'd Seung go?" Hoseok asked, scanning the bar for a certain red-head.
"He left with Hanji, surprisingly enough." Hana told him.
"Great." Hoseok sighed heavily. "I'm not gonna be able to drag him down the street by myself."
"I can drive you, if you want." Yoongi offered.
"So, you do have a heart?" Hoseok joked.
"More like, I have a conscience. Let's go."
"I deserve an award!" Hoseok exhaled sharply after tossing his idiot friend onto his bed.
"His boyfriend should be here, not me." Yoongi sat on the edge of the bed.
"His boyfriend doesn't give two shits about him and everyone knows it." Hoseok sighed. "But he loves that man to death, nonetheless."
"So, he really is stupid." Yoongi snorted.
"Love will do that." Hoseok sat next to him. "Are you seeing anyone?"
"Yeah. We've been together for about four years now."
"So, if your partner was to treat you like you don't matter, but you still love them to the ends of the earth, would you find it in you to leave?"
"Most likely."
"Well, I'll tell you, it's easier said than done."

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