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When Peyton once again awoke for school, without Stiles brutally shaking her, she ached everywhere. The day prior hadn't even been her most physically or mentally challenging day and she was sure there would be worse to come, but she still felt exhausted.

The girl dragged herself out of bed and trailed through her house in a hoodie she had stolen off Stiles and a pair of bedtime shorts. She prayed silently that her brother was home, never knowing if he was on a back shift or front shift, but then again she barely even knew what he worked as nevermind when. All she knew was that it was something to do with electrical engineering which was how he managed to provide for himself and his little sister.

She let out a relieved sigh at the sight of him in the kitchen. Peyton swiftly made her way over to him and as soon as he had turned to greet her, Peyton had her arms wrapped around his waist.

Logan didn't hesitate to put his arms around her shoulders.

It wasn't that often the pair hugged, Logan not being a big hugger but his sister was the exact opposite. Peyton always loved a hug, but only off people she actually liked. Whereas, Logan didn't like them fullstop. Which Peyton obviously knew so she would often refrain from hugging him too much. The only times she did were if she was either wanting to annoy him or genuinely needed a hug. And Logan could easily tell the difference between the two.

Her older brother immediatley sensed her off mood but he didn't question why, he knew she wasn't one to talk about her feelings. And, if she wanted to, she would but in her own time.

"You want to skip school today?" Logan asked his sister. He had never liked school and had barely shown his face so he was always fine with her taking a day off if she needed it. Logan was a prime example of turning your own life around, he had gone from a low-life, lazy degenarate to a man who provided a living for his sister and himself.

Since their father had passed and their mother was constantly away, Logan had no choice but step up and become a better person for not just himself but for Peyton. Logan would go to ends meet to ensure his little sister a life of happiness and safety because at the end of the day she was the only thing that mattered to him. She was his sun, his moon and his stars. Even though the pair would argue day and night and wake up still holding a grudge, they would find their way around it. Neither of them would ever apologise - they were still brother and sister at the end of it all - but instead they would eventually brush it off and act as normal again.

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