Help, I lost myself again

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She couldn't remember when it had rained most recently. All she could remember was when she was younger and her mom took her to the park. It started raining and she danced around in the rain. It was only when it started thundering that she realised that her mom wasn't on the bench. 

She remembered feeling scared, where had her mom gone? From then on, she never liked the rain. Her mom always seemed to disappear in it. 

That's what the weather was when her mom had last disappeared.

The rain hammered as she and her team caught suspects. She looked to her side and caught a glance of movement, "Rabbit!" She yelled. 

She chased outside of the house and winced as the rain dripped into her eyes. She had taken her glasses off after catching the last suspect since the rain had covered her vision. 

The rabbit turned a corner, Chris hot on their tail. Suddenly, they turned around and all Chris could remember was pain in her shoulder. She fell back onto the muddy grass and winced as her back collided with the ground. 

She was in shock. She couldn't move. It was like there was an invisible force pinning her body to the ground. She didn't know where her gun was. Maybe she dropped it. Maybe it was still in her hand and she couldn't see it.

It wasn't until she felt the rain drop into her open wound that it finally hit her. She had been shot. She had been shot and she hadn't caught the rabbit. She'd let her team down. 

She couldn't tell if the voices in her earpiece were muffled or it was the pain that was making it harder to focus. But whatever the reason, she pulled her earpiece out of her ear and threw it onto the ground. 

She held her wound, trying hard to stop the blood. She had never been in this much pain since she had a slug to her chest when her team was trying to get Diablo. It was only a hit to the vest, but she couldn't breathe. 

She remembered Street dragging her through the building, she would've collapsed if he didn't. 

Speaking of Street, footsteps pattered on the ground. She couldn't hear much other than a mumble. 

She used her last little bit of strength to open her eyes and raise her hand to his cheek. 

"Chris, you're going to be okay," Street promises. Chris hums in acknowledgement. She felt her throat close as tears cascade down her cheeks. 

That was the last thing she remembered. The last thing she remembered before waking up in a hospital. 

Her eyes crack open and travel around the room, rolling over all of the doctors and the bandages resting around her ribs. 

Finally, her eyes landed on her team. 

"Did you get him?" She whispered. 

"No, we didn't," Street whispered back. Her eyes watered, her breath catching as the only thoughts that rushed through her brain were 'I let them down' or 'Its all my fault.'

"Chris, are you okay?"

Even though she nodded her head, tears streamed down her face. 

She had let her whole team down, and she couldn't even go to work the next day. She just had to stay in the hospital bed and wait. 

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