005 ; Pool Cafe

750 47 2

Everyone had gathered back in the lobby after Junhee had called them. As the class was slowly gathering, Eunhee questioned her brother.

"What's this for?"

She said, referring to the map of the campus. Junhee looked towards the map and back to her.

"We're trying to find a way to escape. Jungwon, Yoonseo and I noticed that the boundary goes further into the hill."

Eunhee nodded slowly approvingly. She patted his back and the duo smiled. The class slowly gathered around Yoonseo and Junhee. Eunhee stood by him.


"There's a mountain between the trail, and at the end is a village."

Junhee said as he pointed at the map.

"We just have to find people and ask for help."

"What if we try to leave and end up dead too?"

Jinha asked Junhee. He looked towards Junhee with a questioning look. Junhee avoided his gaze and looked down.

"Yes, isn't it too dangerous?"

Jooyoung questioned. He avoided her gaze and spoke up.

"We're safe as long as we don't go over the line. I think we can go as far as the line goes."

Eunhee looked up and towards the map. She heard a few more questions being thrown at Junhee.

"It's annoying to just wait. It won't hurt to give it a shot."

Kyungjun said, seemingly supporting Junhee's plan. Eunhee looked towards him and cocked an eyebrow.

"But do we all have to go? That's so inefficient."

Junhee nodded slightly.

"Right, we can't all go."

He turned towards the others.

"I'll go on my own."

Eunhee furrowed after hearing that last statement. She immediately held his shoulder.

"I'll go with you."

"Me too."

Yoonseo spoke from the side, giving the twins a soft smile in which Eunhee returned. Junhee shook his head as his sister released her hand.

"No, you both stay here. The trail will be tough."

Eunhee looked at him with concern.

"Yes, you'll only become a burden if you end up lagging behind."

Jungwon said to Yoonseo as she held her arm. Eunhee tapped her brother.

"But you can't go on your own, it's too dangerous."

She said, a hint of concern behing heard in her voice. Junhee placed a reassuring hand on his sister's shoulder.

"I'll be fine."

Eunhee furrowed and opened her mouth to speak, but Somi beat her to it.

"We'll come with you."

Somi spat reluctantly, holding Wooram by his arm.

"Why me too?"

Wooram questioned Somi. She rolled her eyes and turned back to the trio behind her.

"Nahee, Jisoo, Yoojoon. You'll come too, right?"

"No, I wont."

"Then I won't go either."

Yoojoon sided with Jisoo, holding her in his arms.

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