Chapter 5: Two Sakura Gigantic in new world

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Two shipboys wake on the island with the first one Dainippon waking up, then wakes up the second one, Tsenanta. The both of them are confused and lost.

Tsenanta: "What is it?"

Dainippon: "What do you mean ?What is it!' he shouted.'We are both stuck on this island."

Dainippon: "I'm just calm myself down to state of peace and then think how we get of this island." While think he's summoned his ship as a tons of wisdom cubes

Tsenanta: "Woah, how did you do that?" he asked, curiosity

Dainippon: "Just but your mind at peace and image your ship."

Tsenanta follows the instructions that Dainippon said and successfully summons his ship

Tsenanta: "WOAH! This is so cool."

Both gigantic warships move through the waves as their bows cut the ocean like a katana.

Dainippon: "This feels amazing."

Tsenanta: "I agree with you on this one."

As the hours pass, bother them to try and think do something fun

Dainippon: "You want to have a sword fight."

Tsenanta: "You bet I would have on right now."

Both of them have a sword fight on the Tsenanta flight deck

Their sword fight is interrupted by the americans fighter-bombers and bombers.

Both of their AA light up the sky with explosions

Dainippon: "Why are they attacking us?"

Tsenanta: "Probably it's because we are Japanese."

The sky goes silent as the American planes stop, and so as the AA on both of the Japanese ships

Dainippon: "Should we go back to sword fight?" He asked to see if he would be interested

Tsenanta: "Nah, we don't anymore for now because who knows how many times the Americans attack?" he stated out reasonable explanation.

Dainippon: "Yea, I can see we're your coming from," he agreed with Tsenanta statement.

Tsenanta: "How are you going to find a new home?"

Dainippon: "Looks like all we can do is hope."

Both of them listen to the sound of the sea until that is disrupted by a "Zero" falling and in burning fire, which is one of Akagi's origami. It's crashes onto the Tsenanta flight deck.

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