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. then .

a week until the wedding

For the past five months I have been coming to terms with the fact that I am almost married. We had escaped for the weekend before the wedding to a hotel on the water. Growing up in California had taught me that the only places worth staying in have an ocean view. I have been sitting here staring at the movement of the water, waiting for Tom to wake up. We got in late last night, but I have always had trouble sleeping.

I hear him stirring in the bed and turn to look at him. His hair is messy, and his eyes remain closed. I start walking toward him and return to my spot on the bed. His eyes open slowly as I place my hand on his cheek. "Good morning." I whisper as I lean in closer, placing a kiss on his lips. He smiles into it.

"Good morning, my dear" he says as he rests his hand on my hip. I could stay like this forever. As much as this feeling fills me, there is still a bit of dread in knowing that I was keeping a secret. I am standing strong in my plan to tell him during our first look next week. I trust that this news won't change the excitement that I know the day will hold. Nonetheless, I cannot keep my nerves under control, and I can sense that he is beginning to notice.

"Do we have to do anything today; can't we just stay here in bed?" I ask, genuinely. My hand travels down to his arm and I rub it slowly. He smirks.

"Today is our last opportunity to go to the beach." He says as he starts to play with the ends of my hair. "And if I hadn't already made lunch reservations for us, I would have agreed." I give a small smile. He knows just how much I love the beach, and he does too so there is no getting out of it. We had come to this hotel for dinner during one of our first real dates. That's what is making this stay so special. My parents had brought my siblings and I here one weekend every summer before my mom passed away. I'd prefer not to think about that right now. I'd rather focus on how our last date as an unmarried couple will be where our first took place.

"You're right," I jump out of the bed. "I need to get ready." I beeline for the bathroom and turn on the shower to let the water warm up. The time we have been able to spend together has dwindled as he started to get called back for several roles that he had auditioned for. As much as I enjoy watching him do his thing, I hated that it meant we couldn't spend much time together anymore. With the wedding coming up, we thought that this would be the best way to reconnect. No work. No other obligations, Just us.

I hate to admit it, but I can feel him pulling away from me. Everyday there is something new, some reason for him to be away from home, some reason to be away from me. I do my best to work through it. Maybe he's nervous about the wedding. Maybe he has cold feet. Maybe I'm reaching. I've buried myself in my work, dreading every time his phone rings, knowing that he will be leaving once again. Even though he hasn't yet officially secured the role, he was invited to the cast party; I'm assuming that they have already made their decisions and just haven't told them yet or they just want more faces to fill the crowd. He seems so excited about this, but I don't share the same sentiments.

I run my hand mindlessly under the water not yet realizing that it is already to my liking. Stepping in, I hope that the water is able to wash away my nerves. This weekend has been going just the way that I pictured it. It feels good to know that we're going to wrap it up on a high note, my only hope is that it restores some faith in our relationship. I am not sure how much longer I am going to be able to manage without him. What is the point in being married if I am going to spend countless nights alone wondering what he is out doing. The only thing that brings me reassurance is that he is almost always with Josh when he isn't with me. Almost.

I step out of the shower and wrap myself in a plush robe that has been provided by the hotel. I am about to begin blow drying my hair when it occurs to me just how quiet it is in the room. A small part of me is frightened. I grip the top of the robe to my chest as I slide open the bathroom door. I take a quick glance around to find it... empty.

I walk out further to see if I am maybe just missing something, just at the right angle to not see him. Nothing. Maybe he's out on the balcony. I quickly make my way there, pushing through the nearly transparent curtains. Nothing.

Walking back into the room, I notice the notepad and pen thrown on the bed. His bag is missing. I sit down and pick up the hastily written note. I have been here many times before. He doesn't like having to tell me that he's leaving because he is always met with disappointment on my face. Maybe I'm the one with the cold feet.


I'm so sorry to leave you in this way, I got a call and have a meeting this evening. I promise I will make it up to you. I love you my Mila xx


I allow myself to fall back onto the bed. The promises that he has made recently have all been broken. This time will be no different.

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