Chapter Eleven

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There's a lightness to Emily she's never felt before. Maybe it's because of nights spent laughing, clapping, and singing with the girls as Austin plays tune after tune on his fiddle. Maybe it's because of long nights spent by the fire, talking to Austin about their childhoods, about their dreams and wishes. Maybe it's the soft kisses that last for hours. Maybe it's the long, deep kisses that cause Emily to feel flushed all over.

Maybe because now when Austin smiles at her, his eyes smile too.

It's not perfect between them. Austin has never said he loves Emily, has never even come close to saying such a thing. Emily suspects there is a part of Austin that still doesn't trust her, maybe never will. They haven't moved past kissing, not that kissing isn't amazing and exciting, but Emily can't help but wonder what is holding Austin back from taking things further.

Still, every morning she wakes up in her husband's arms.

It's two days before Christmas. It's been freezing cold the last few days. Cold enough that the cows complain constantly and the girls haven't ventured outside. But a little bit of cold isn't going to stop Emily from walking to town. After months of thinking and planning, it's time for her to buy gifts for the girls. She's so excited about the prospect that she barely slept the night before. The change she's saved up for the last few months is safely wrapped in cloth. She's bundled up, Austin's too-big coat engulfing her, Austin's hat on her head, big enough to cover her ears.

They are standing at the door, just before dawn. The girls are still asleep and the fact that this is the first morning since she arrived that she will not be there when they wake up pains Emily. But it's a long trip and if she's to be back safely before it gets very late, she needs to be on her way.

They are standing by the Christmas tree. The entire family chose it the day before and Austin had chopped it down. All four of them had decorated it with pinecones and strings of popcorn as they sang Christmas carols. The girls had sat in front of it for hours last night, enchanted by the tree. Emily cannot wait until Christmas morning when they open up their gifts.

Austin has fashioned them a dollhouse. It had filled Emily with pride and wonder, watching Austin carve it out of pieces of wood the last few weeks, painstakingly putting it together. He even carved two little wood dolls to put in the dollhouse, along with a tiny bed and a table. Emily will never stop being amazed at how talented Austin is.

With Kate's help, well, with Kate actually doing most of the sewing, Emily has finished the two new dresses for the girls; they are tucked safely in Austin's drawer. But Emily still wants to buy them something from the store. She's never given gifts before, never had the means to do so. She's so excited about buying the girls gifts, she can barely stand still as Austin says goodbye to her.

"Are you sure about this?" Austin asks. "Kathryn may be going into town soon; you could always wait and go with her."

"It's Christmas in two days," Emily points out. "Also, you've made the trip three times since I've been here, twice on foot. I can do this. I've walked long distances before."

"It wasn't as cold when I made the trips as it is now. My coat doesn't fit you properly. Also, I'm going to miss you something fierce."

His hands settle on Emily's hips and Emily doesn't even try to suppress the shiver that goes through her body. Every touch from Austin affects her, even when the touch is through layers of clothes.

"I will miss you too, but I'd better get going," Emily says reluctantly, not wanting to move when Austin is touching her.

They kiss a lot now. Not that Emily is going to get used to so many kisses, not anytime soon anyway. But now and then she's even brave enough to initiate the kiss, which she does now. She stands on her tiptoes, pressing her lips against Austin's.

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