Chapter 12

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Saanchi re-entered the house after Abhay left and felt the deafening silence hit ber. Only one light was on, which made shadows dance around the empty walls as she walked in.

The haunting image of Shalini's dead body was still very much present in her head. Even though she didn't regret her passing, she was definitely very scared.

" I wish Abhay was here... ", she muttered to herself.

The room felt colder than before, and Saanchi had to keep reassuring herself that everything will eventually be good. However, nothing changed.

She watched the clock as night rolled by and it was past 12 at night.
Just then, a sudden sound cut through the quiet ambience- a phone ringing.

" Phone? Definitely not mine because they disposed it off so it must be... ", she thought to herself and realised it was Shalini's phone.

Saanchi approached the phone and saw Anurag on the caller ID.

" Fuck...! "

Uncertain of what to do, she disconnected the call and turned off the device instantly. Saanchi then went back to bury the phone along with Shalini's body in the backyard.
Returning the phone back to it's owner.

After doing so, she felt much better.

She twirled around the living room for a while and then she went to the kitchen to reheat the stew. The aroma weaving through the cold air as she stirred the pot.

After finishing the soup, she returned back to her room where she quickly went to bed. Her drugged and bruised body was already at it's limit for one day and she wanted to gain a lot of energy for tomorrow.

She could already feel that tomorrow will be a long day.


Saanchi was sleeping on the bed, grabbing onto the heavy blanket as the only source of warmth in this horrible house. But loud thumps from outside shook her awake.

A million thoughts ran through her mind. Could it be the police? Could it be Anurag? Is he coming upstairs to confront her about his dead wife?

The possibilities were endless but she decided to put an end to her racing thoughts and peeked out. Saanchi saw her brother, Anurag. He moved around the house, calling out Shalini's name with increasing desperation. After no response, he started calling her on her phone.

" What the hell is up with her? Why isn't she picking up my damn call? Is it because we fought before I left! ", Saanchi heard Anurag ask himself as he redialed her number.

Too bad she won't be taking any calls from her grave...

When Anurag spotted Saanchi peaking out, his eyes widened in surprised. He hesitantly approached her, " Saanchi, did you seen Shalini? "

Saanchi held her head to pretend like she was falling sick, " I just woke up. I haven't been awake for a few days I think— I have no idea. "

Anurag let out a sigh of despair as he looked down to dial Shalini's number again. A subtle smile played on Saanchi's lips.

She was enjoying watching Anurag suffer.

Seizing the opportunity, she casually probed, " Do you really love her? "

Anurag was taken aback by the unexpected question. He was confused as to why Saanchi was calmly having a conversation with him, instead of panicking and trying to escape. But then he assumed that the medicine has finally started affecting her head.

" Of course, I do... ", he breathed out.

Saanchi, still smiling, delved further,
" How would you feel if you found out she was cheating on you? "

Anurag's face turned white. He grabbed Saanchi and shook her,
" What? Do you know something? "

A partner's first reaction to their wife cheating is always disbelief, so Saanchi quickly realised that Anurag probably had a clue about his wife's infidelity.

All he needed was a proof to believe!

Saanchi maintained her composure,
" A few days ago, I saw Shalini sneak out at night and meet someone. They met in the other guy's car... "

Anurag's shock quickly morphed into fury. The room became a canvas for his anger as he began to destroy things around the house. He grabbed their wedding photo and threw it across the wall.

Saanchi sat and watched. She felt content causing her brother the same sense of pain she got when she found her brother scheming against her.

" How does betrayal taste, bhaiya...? ", she muttered under her breath. After some time, he calms down and collapses on the sofa.

She quickly runs to the kitchen and hand Anurag a glass of water as he slowly calmed down. Sitting beside him, she gently caressed his back, offering comfort until he felt better.

" Thank you Saanchi... "

" Anurag bhaiya... ", she gently called to him and he looked up, " You'll always be my older brother who I loved and adored all my life and that will never change. "

Anurag's eyes widened in shock but he was also overwhelmed with guilt.

" I- I uh... "

" Our parents are fucking assholes. They should have given you your share in the inheritance as well. It's wrong to exclude you, just because you're adopted... ", Saanchi said and then looked at her brother.
" But you could have just asked me for the inheritance money instead of trying to kill me. "

Anurag stood up in horror, " H-How do you know all this? "

Saanchi shook her head and slowly walked over towards the kitchen.

" Well, that's all in the past. ", she continued, " Things that have been done that can't be undone now. You have to reap what you sow. "

" Reap what? What are you even talking abo- "

Before Anurag could complete his sentence, Saanchi grabbed the frying pan Abhay used last night and struck Anurag on the head.

He crumpled to the ground, instantly loosing unconscious. She looked over and saw no blood, which meant he was still alive.

Letting out a sigh, she dragged his unconscious body to the basement and tied him up against the wall.


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