Chapter 02

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Abhay sat in his hostel room, catching up on his missed classes and lectures when a message interrupted him.

It was from his Uber Eats manager.

Abhay panicked when he saw his name, because his texts can never be good news for him;
Mr. Abhay Verma, you have been terminated from this company.

He read the message and instantly dialed the manager's number, his voice trembling with nervousness.

" Hi? Who's this? "

" Hello!? W-Why am I being laid off so suddenly? ", Abhay asked in a hurry.

" Oh, it's you. ", the manager laughed.
" It's actually very bold of you to even ask why you're being fired... "

" Sir- "

" But if you still want to know, lemme tell you. You've never, not even once, bagged a 5-star rating. Do you know how rare that is? But somehow you managed to do that. "

A mocking chuckle escaped his lips.

" And let's not even get started on your friendliness-or the lack thereof. Customers aren't looking for a scare when they open the door. They want their food delivered by a friendly nice guy, not some thug that looks like he wants to kill them! "

" I just- I've been going through a rough patch right now. ", Abhay said, barely managing to form sentences.

" Everyone has their ups and downs but your life never seems to get better at any cost. Don't think I haven't noticed you gulping on those meds. If I didn't know any better, I would assume they were drugs. "

The manager's words cut deep into Abhay's ego. For a moment, he wanted to yell that he will leave the job on his own but then he remembered how he has no other way of surviving.

He took a deep breath to calm down.

" Sir, this job is my only source of income. I'm an orphan and I can barely afford college with my scholarships. I need this job to afford food and clothes. I promise I will do better. Please, give me another chance! "

A moment of silence passed.

" Fine, I'll give you one more shot. You have a week to prove that you're not a complete waste of my time. Get a 5 star rating from any customer or consider yourself fired permanently. ", the manager said rather harshly but atleast this meant that Abhay still had a chance at keeping the job.

He thanked him and hung up.


Before starting out on his deliveries for the day, he glanced up at the sky, as if looking up at something divine.

" I hope today is better. ", he muttered under his breath before stepping out.
Abhay got on his company bike and headed straight towards the resturant to pick up the meal and then started driving towards the given location.

Right before making a turn to reach this location, a car appeared from the opposite side, which made Abhay loose balance and crash into a bush.

Thankfully the bush saved the bike from breaking apart, but Abhay was injured. Multiple scratches and splinters all over his skin and a busted out knuckles.

He stood back up on his feet and dusted off the layer of dust clinging on to his uniform.

" Just perfect. Another masterpiece of my incredible day. ", he gritted his teeth together in annoyance. He realised he has to make the delivery with half an hour for a good rating but he was already late, so he decided to make the delivery and then aid himself.

Not like any customer has ever stopped to ask or care about the delivery guy.

Abhay picked up his bike and parked it on the side. He pulled out the large food box of a medium pizza and a side of garlic bread. Abhay walked towards the house, his hands shaking from the stinging pain.

He knocked.

The door creaked open and out came a girl. Abhay could tell that she was around his age, or maybe a little younger. The sunlight fell directly on her brown eyes which illuminated them. A warm glow beamed from her face that strangely managed to calm the storm within Abhay.

" Hi, are you from Uber Eats? ", she asked and he nodded. Abhay extended the food packet towards her and the girl noticed his bleeding hands.

" Yes, here's your order. "

Her eyes lingered on him and he noticed concern flickering in her gaze.

" Are you okay? Looks like you got in an accident!? ", she asked. Her question was so normal and humane, yet this was the first time someone ever asked if he was okay.

Abhay had no idea how to respond but the girl seemed to understand. She grabbed his hands and pulled him inside the house.

The food packet was kept aside while she ran inside to bring a first aid kit.

Abhay sat in awe while she carefully plucked out the splinters and dabbed ointments on his bruises. He winced from the pain and she looked up.

" It only stings a bit. This medicine helps heal the cuts faster... ", she said in a soft voice. " There, it's done. "

Abhay looks down at his wrapped up knuckles and a smile appeared on his face when he noticed the bandages with cute bunnies and flowers etched on it.

" Th-Thank you so much ma'am! ", he say, as he walks out of the house.

" No. Thank YOU for taking so much trouble to get me my meal. I really appreciate it. ", She replied and then takes another look at his hands.
" Take some painkillers and the pain should be better by tomorrow. "

Abhay nodded and the girl closed the door. For a moment, Abhay stood there, still in awe of everything that just happened. It all felt like a fairy tale. Too good to be true.

His phone blinked with a notification and he quickly opened it to see it's a notification from the Uber Eats app.

The notification read;
Customer gave you a 5 star rating!


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