🗡️🛡️Chapter 7:Dandelion's lost!🛡️🗡️

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(present day,The kitchen)
"Dandelion you cook some damn good pancakes,I mean even Wasp liked them and he doesn't like anything!" Sentinel said as he walked into the kitchen before realizing Dandelion wasn't there.
Huh?! Where is she?! Sentinel thought as he ran around yelling her name trying to find her.
"Dandelion! Dandelion!" Sentinel thought before he saw a creak in the window and a claw mark on it.
"Blackarachnia.." Sentinel mumbled to himself.
"Oh damn it!" Sentinel yelled as he slammed the window shut.
"Dandelion's gone! Dandelion's gone!" Sentinel yelled as he slammed open the door to the living room.
"Sentinel calm down.." Prowl mumbled.
"Don't tell me to calm down you lowlife! We need to find Dandelion!" Sentinel snapped.
"Why? Do you love her or something?" Bumblebee asked.
"Yeah! Do you want me to yell it to the clouds or something!" Sentinel snapped.
This is urgent here! We don't have time to goof off! Sentinel thought.
"Oh..oh dear.." Prowl mumbled.
"We really do have to find her!" Optimus said.
"Well let's go then!" Sentinel snapped as he switched to vechile mode and headed off to Dinobot island,in the freezing cold rain,ugh..he hated rain.
(With Blackarachnia)
"So what exactly do I do?" Dandelion asked.
"Hey you're the one who was able to make a formula to make yourself into a.." Blackarachnia said before Dandelion interrupted.
"Yes but that was different,I had my own DNA to work with,I don't have you're DNA before you became a techno organic,though I do wish I had a sample." Dandelion said.
It would make this easier. Dandelion thought.
"Hey! Remember what's in it for you." Blackarachnia said simply.
"I know." Dandelion said as she continued working with what she had to make a cure for Blackarachnia.
I have to do this! If not for me then for sentinel! Dandelion thought.

-End of chapter.

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