🧁Chapter 1:Cupcake Bliss🧁

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(Present day,Autobot Base)
Dandelion smiled as she was baking cupcakes for the Autobot cadets,when she saw the autobot elite guard Sentinel Prime,stand beside her.
"Whatcha making?" Sentinel asked with the same smirk on his face he had when he'd met her a week ago.
"Oh I'm making cupcakes,want one?" Dandelion asked blushing as she looked up at him.
He's so handsome.. Dandelion thought as she blushed.
"Sure,in fact how about three? And some oil." Sentinel asked.
Dandelion nodded.
"Sure." Dandelion said as she began pouring him some oil as he leaned on the counter,staring at his hand making sure he wasn't dirty.
"You know Dandelion you are a good friend,despite being short and adorable." Sentinel said still not looking at her.
Adorable? He called me adorable! Dandelion thought with a squeal of joy before she quickly covered her mouth.
"So we're friends?" Dandelion asked.
"Sure I suppose." Sentinel said looking at her with a smirk.
"Yay!" Dandelion squealed out loud hugging him,before she went cherry red with embarrassment.
Darn it! First I spilled paint on the ground then tried to clean it with a washcloth and now I hug him without permission! He must think I'm a buffoon! Dandelion thought before she heard him chuckle,not in a condescending or smug way like he usually did,but a genuinely happy chuckle.
She smiled a little at his chuckle.
I've never heard him do that before..it's cute. Dandelion thought.
"Heh you remind me of a friend I used to have back in the academy,she always liked to give hugs." Sentinel said with a smirk.
"I should've asked first shouldn't I?" Dandelion asked cautiously.
"Nah,it's fine I can make a exception this time,though next time be sure to ask,you don't know what diseases those..ugh..organics could have." Sentinel said with a shudder before going back to his smug smirk.
"Anyway I gotta get back to those cadets you never know what could happen when you're not looking." Sentinel said before Dandelion handed him a tray of freshly decorated and frosted cupcakes.
"Take those to them while you're at it." Dandelion said.
"Sure,but I'm still having three for myself!" Sentinel declared as he walked off with the cupcakes making Dandelion chuckle.
He's adorable.. Dandelion thought as she prepared another batch of cupcakes just for him.

-End of chapter.

Written In Stars -A TFA fanfic. Where stories live. Discover now