New Beginning

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It was a crisp autumn evening, and the cityscape sparkled with the lights of the skyline. Shubman had been planning this day meticulously, wanting to make it perfect. After all the ups and downs, the misunderstandings, and the whirlwind of emotions, he was ready to take the next step with Ishan.

Shubman took Ishan to the same rooftop where they had shared countless conversations, arguments, and, most importantly, moments of understanding. The atmosphere was charged with anticipation as Shubman led Ishan to a beautifully decorated spot with fairy lights twinkling overhead.

Ishan, with a curious smile, asked, "What's all this, Shubman?"

Shubman, with a nervous yet sincere smile, took Ishan's hands in his. "Ishan, we've been through a lot together. From the office chaos to the unexpected gossip, and even the nights where we laughed until the early hours."

Ishan, realizing the significance of the moment, looked at Shubman with a soft smile.

Shubman continued, "You've changed my life in ways I never imagined. I can't imagine my world without you. Ishan, will you make it official? Will you marry me?"

Ishan's eyes widened, and a mixture of surprise and joy painted his face. Shubman took out a small box from his pocket, revealing a delicate ring that sparkled in the moonlight.

Speechless for a moment, Ishan finally managed to say, "Shubman, you never cease to surprise me."

Shubman grinned, "So, is that a yes?"

Ishan chuckled, "Yes, a thousand times yes."

As Shubman slid the ring onto Ishan's finger, the city below seemed to celebrate with them. The rumor mill that once caused chaos in their lives was now silent in the face of their genuine love.

The news of Shubman's proposal spread faster than any gossip before. The media, who had been relentless in their pursuit of the truth, now focused on the joyous occasion. The headlines read, "Shubman Gill, CEO Extraordinaire, Puts a Ring on It!" The world now knew that the unsaid relationship was no longer a secret.

The chapter closes with Shubman and Ishan basking in the glow of their love, surrounded by well-wishers, friends, and colleagues. It was a story that started with complications, faced numerous challenges, and ended with a proposal that solidified their commitment to each other.

And so, in the city that had witnessed the journey of Shubman and Ishan, a new chapter began—a chapter filled with love, understanding, and the promise of a happily ever after.

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