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The morning sun cast a warm glow on the city as Ishan made his way to the office. Unbeknownst to him, his every step was being tracked by the ever-present eyes of the media. The office atmosphere, usually filled with the hum of productivity, had transformed into a buzzing hive of whispers and sidelong glances.

As Ishan entered the office, Mayank, wearing an exaggerated grin, beckoned him over. "Ishan, my man, you're famous! Front-page material!"

Confused, Ishan furrowed his brows. "Famous? What are you talking about, Mayank?"

Riya, with a hint of mischief, handed her phone to Ishan. The screen displayed blurry images of him and Shubman at the beach, accompanied by a headline that screamed, "Secret Romance Unveiled: Billionaire CEO's Mystery Date!"

Ishan's eyes widened as he processed the surreal situation. "How did they even...?"

Mayank, reveling in the spectacle, interrupted, "Looks like you and Shubman are the talk of the town. The media is having a field day with your 'secret' romance."

Ishan, feeling a mix of embarrassment and frustration, stammered, "This is absurd. We were just having a normal day at the beach. How did they turn it into a scandal?"

Riya, always pragmatic, chimed in, "Well, the media loves a good love story, even if it's mostly fiction. You and Shubman are the latest hot topic."

The office continued to swirl with gossip, and Ishan couldn't escape the curious glances that followed him. He decided it was time to confront Shubman and figure out what had transpired.

In Shubman's office, Ishan, with a furrowed brow, questioned, "Shubman, care to explain why our beach day is headline news across the globe?"

Shubman, sitting at his desk with a smirk, replied, "Ah, the perks of being associated with a mystery billionaire. The media loves to spin stories. But don't worry, Ishan, it's all harmless fun."

Ishan, not amused, retorted, "Fun for you, maybe. I'm not comfortable being in the spotlight like this. We haven't even defined what 'this' is between us."

Shubman, standing up and walking over, placed a hand on Ishan's shoulder. "I understand, Ishan. It's unexpected, but sometimes life throws us curveballs. Let's navigate this together."

Ishan, feeling the weight of the situation, sighed. "I just hope this doesn't turn into a circus. I value our privacy, Shubman."

Shubman, with a reassuring smile, nodded. "I do too, Ishan. Let's handle this with grace and see where it takes us."

As the day unfolded with media frenzy and office gossip, Ishan and Shubman found themselves at the epicenter of a storm neither had anticipated. The drama added a layer of complexity to their evolving relationship, and only time would tell how they would navigate the challenges that lay ahead.

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