Meet our protagonist - Shanaya

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It is said that with time, the world undergoes a series of changes leading to development both on the brighter and the darker side. It was true, over the years the world had really taken an entirely new shape, I, Shanaya Kapoor, welcome y'all to 22nd century, to be specific the year 2155.

Talking about me, I am a media intern at AVN News Channel, Bangalore (the silicon valley of India), might not be a big deal for the rest of the world but it is a big deal for a 21 year old girl who always dreamt of going deeper and deeper into the facts and discovering the truths of the world and yeah here comes my buddy:-

Jiyashri :- Hey, Did you hear about the new assignments for the interns?

Shanaya :- Well, no talks about the work because we are on a leave for rest half of the day and I have applied for it on the portal from your account too, muah, sorry, I should have told you already.

Jiyashri :- Wait, what? You should have atleast informe.. (starts blabbering)

Shanaya to audience :- ( Meet her, Jiyashri Garg, my office colleague cum childhood best friend cum school benchmate etc, you can say she is my soulmate because I have spent almost every phase of my life with her).

Shanaya :- Meri pyari si Jiya, (my dearest Jiya ), today is your birthday so you gotta give me your birthday treat at a restaurant of my choice and for that we gotta get ready so let us head to your home first.

Time Forward to Jiya's Home :- 

(I might use Jiya instead of Jiyashri at some places because all her friends and her family calls her Jiya as her nickname)

Author's POV :-

When Shanaya and Jiya reached home, they found a strange silence and darkness around but to their amuse the door wasn't locked, they were scared yet tried to be calm.

Jiya moved to the side to switch on the light (horror music), she tapped on the switch and..

TADAA! A surprise from her family and friends, the hall was completely decorated with balloons and lights.

"Happy birthday to you. You were born in the zoo. With monkeys all around you. Where we all stood laughing at you. "

Her friends and Shanaya sung around.

UFF! Jiya  was crazy and amused and very happy about it.

The time passed by and the cake cutting, dancing, celebrations made Shanaya and Jiya very happy, little did they know what was waiting for them in the near future.

Author's POV :-

Jiya's dad, Harish Garg has been recently awarded a noble prize for his great innovations as a scientist and he has also recently been working on a new Project in his garage that he had turned into a room of his experiments.

It was around 8 pm and all the guests and friends headed back to their homes.

Shanaya's family had also come for the party as they lived in the neighbourhood, Jiya asked Shanaya to stay at her home tonight so Shanaya's parents headed back to their home meanwhile  and her sister Samira Kapoor stayed back.

As Shanaya and Jiya were of same age, similarly Samira and Jiya's brother Jairaj Garg (Jairaj means Lord of Victory) were also of same age (i.e. 17 years old).

12:30 p.m. :-

Four of them were about to go sleep (in same room by laying mattresses on the floor after they finished playing Ludo) that a knock was heard on the door. Jairaj opened the door and his dad called them in an excitement to show his upcoming innovation.

All of them exicitedly followed him to the garage and Harish took of the cloth from something that looked like a giant machine that had 14 fuckin' tyres on it.

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