CHAPTER 2 - Forget-Me-Not.

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Forget-Me-Nots symbolize true love and respect, a promise that you will always remember them and will keep them in your thoughts.

Once Sonic regained continuousness he expect to be somewhere he'd never been before. Expected to be chained to a wall god knows where and with one too many injuries. Yet he had none of that. His surroundings were familiar and he was amidst a king sized bed with pillows and blankets galore. Beside the bed was a nightstand with forget me nots. A beautiful flower that he had adored back home. The confronter being a light purple making his bright blue quills stand out. The pillows were white with dark purple trim. His memory was hazy forgetting who he was and where he's been.

'Where am I?'

He noticed a man and woman standing near the door. They finally came into view. The woman had a pink-ish quills that went down her back into 3 large spikes near her ears was more a maroon color. The man however his whole head was bright green. Made Sonic remember spilling the same color green paint down Rouge's shirt years ago. The woman was furious and still was feisty about it to this day. The two were dressed as seemed to be royals compared to Sonic's stolen black tee from his fiancé Shadow.

'Shadow.' He stared fondly at the fabric. He looked up to meet the two in the eye before speaking.

"What do you want from me?" Sonic asked his memory was fuzzy when it came to the two in front of him.

"Did he seriously hit you hard enough to make you forget your own siblings. What a shame." The woman spoke. The man followed soon after. "and to think Mother went through all that trouble finding you."

The woman swished the fur scarf (I hope you know I just spent 20 minutes trying to figure out what that was called) looking thing around her neck leaving the rest to hang how it was. Sonic knew he was no longer at Green Hill since he swore those fur scarf things only belong to rich people. No one in Green Hill was rich. The rest of her outfit was as expected also expensive. The woman wore a floor length light blue gown that dragged on the floor with her every movement. A V-neck framed her bold silver necklace.

The man however was dressed in a tight tuxedo with a rococo collar that should've stayed in the 18th century where it belonged. His cuffs were made of the same fabric. Also belonging to the same century. 

"Since you must know. My name is Manic and our sister's name is Sonia. Closer to your own name then the both of us would like to admit." The man that went by Manic said.

"You didn't answer my previous question." Sonic had grown annoyed with the two. "I couldn't give two singular fucks about who you are and who yo momma is. Just bring me back home to my fiancé!" he yelled.

The two were shocked no one had spoken to them that way in that tone and manner since their mother.

"What a foul mouth you have brother." Sonia spat.

"Hard to even call you that." Manic mimicked.

The two acted as if that they were one and one they were.

'Those two are already becoming a pain in my ass.' Sonic groaned.

Reaching to pull the covers to his chin to tune out the two's mockery.

"Ignore us all you want to brother. You will have to do what you were brought her eventually. We'll see you at dinner." Sonia gave a sly smile to the curled up hedgehog then closed the door behind her and Manic.

"Would be nice if I knew what I was here for." Sonic muttered before turning to fall into a peaceful for what it was slumber.


Shadow was distraught. Shell shocked even. Maybe something worse then that. His fiancé had just been kidnapped right in his own home. Hell he was only down the hallway. How why couldn't he had done something. He was supposed to be the ultimate life form there was nothing ultimate about loosing someone while you were still there in that your own damn house. 

He started to panic. Thinking of all the possibilities of why and how this could've happened. Had he not kept enough tabs on his enemies. Had one had gotten far too close? Had he had gotten too close to someone again. Shadow drummed his fingers on his thigh. His mind lost in a trace. 

"I-I need to call someone. Anyone." He stuttered talking to no one. He picked up his cell phone and selecting his second contact. Not that he had many just the first one was no longer in Shadow's reach.

Brrrring Brrrring Brrrring

It took 3 rings before she picked up.

"Hello?" a slurred voice came through the phone.

"I hope you know what time it is you little bitch and I am not here to give you a damn pep talk before you have sex again!" The angry woman was met with silence.

"..." silent once more

"SHADOW!" She screamed into the phone.

"Rouge.." Shadow barely muttered through tears he tried to fight back and those that spilled down his cheeks. "It's Sonic he's been kidnapped."

"What the fuck? For someone who talks a big game he was easily kidnapped." She tried to lighten the mood but was met with silence and scowl she could feel through the phone.

"Not the time Rouge."

"Fair enough."

Time Skip - The next morning

Shadow had barely got any sleep. He missed the weight that crushed him in his sleep and the one he entangled limps with while they slept.

This felt far to familiar. As if he's experienced this before but years ago.


But there was a difference now then there was years ago. Sonic wasn't dead. As far as Shadow's knowledge knew. But what if he wasn't. What if the blood had fallen onto Shadow's own hands. Would he ever be able to live with himself?

No he was alive. He was Sonic after all. Right?

Shadow stepped into the headquarters of G.U.N. ready to distract himself in whatever work they had for him. 

"You look like you didn't get any sleep last night." Rouge concerned for her best friend as one could be.

"Because I didn't get any." Shadow frowned.

Rouge opened her mouth to say something, anything to comfort him yet nothing came out.

"Shadow!" called the Commander. 

Shadow went to where the voice came from. He seemed to be a walking corpse lost of purpose.

"I have a mission for you. There has been some controversy inside the castle and I need you to be my eyes. You'll be a knight there for the queen and her children."

Shadow just nodded.

"I'll need you to report back to me by the end of the week once this mission is finished then we'll investigate in your missing fiancé. Am I clear Agent Shadow?"

"Yes sir." 

The mention of the possibility of finding Sonic was the only thing keeping Shadow going at this point.

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