Mr. Teddy's new owner

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After Porsche had left his room he went straight for Chay's room. He doesn't care that Kim is there or about whatever they are doing but he needs his cuddles.

So without a warning he opened the door and walked towards Chay's bed. He jumped on the bed falling right next to the body covered by blankets on the bed.

The covered lump moved a little so Porsche moved to cuddle it, pushing his arms under and around the body for a good old fashioned brotherly love bear hug.

The blanket burrito tried to get away from Porsche but he wasn't giving up! Since when does Chay not like his cuddles anymore?

And why was he struggling so much?

"Chay lay still, I need cuddles and Kinn is a bitch so he should die alone!" He said before he tightened his hug again, snuggling his face in the lump's neck or whatever it was.

"PORSCHE LET GO YOU IDIOT!" Kim yelled and that was when Porsche noticed his brother standing in front of the bathroom smiling at them.

If Chay is standing there, then it means he was cuddling Kim!

Maybe he should have checked who the lump was before attacking it but he needs cuddles and Kim should shut up and do as he wants!

"DON'T CARE, NOW LET ME CUDDLE AND LAY STILL!" He yelled back while wrapping Kim in his chest.

Chay had joined their hug and was now hugging Kim who was still stuck under his blanket from the other side.

So now Kim was laying in the middle of the bed wrapped in the arms of the Kittisawasd brothers with no way of escape.

He really tried to escape but failed and just let them cuddle him to death. Yeah, Kim is dramatic and grumpy in the morning, especially if he gets attacked by cuddles that aren't from his angel!

Well Chay was hugging him too but if Porsche weren't here they could have been doing something else than cuddling and now they can't.

So not only was Kim grumpy but he was horny as hell and Porsche wasn't leaving him alone with his stupid affection!

Not that he didn't like it, it is a nice way of getting woken up and it's been awhile since he has gotten a real brother hug.

He gave up and just enjoyed the hug for as long as it lasted. It's not everyday that Porsche becomes so clingy and maybe he could rub it in Kinn's face that Porsche hugged him and not Kinn.

Porsche didn't let go of Kim for at least an hour before Kim had to beg him to let go before he peed his pants.

Porsche did tell him that he wouldn't mind as long as he laid still but in the end Chay had taken his place so he could pee before it was too late.

Porsche did tell him that he wouldn't mind as long as he laid still but in the end Chay had taken his place so he could pee before it was too late

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Half a day was spent with Porsche hugging the both of them until Kinn had brought Porsche this ugly ass bear saying it didn't fit in their room.

Porsche didn't want to let go of the bear for some reason but had to when Chay had jumped Kinn, snatching it away.

Kinn looked so shocked when Chay had literally jumped on him but didn't comment on it when Porsche glared at him when he tried to open his mouth.

Maybe Porsche meant it when he said Kinn could die?

Not like Kim really cares but anyways that doll is not staying!

"Chay, Angel give little Kinn his teddy bear back!" Kim said to a pouting Chay and Porsche could only laugh at Kinn's annoyed face for being called little.

"NO!" Chay pouted, hiding the bear from Kim's hands.

"ANGEL, I WANT THAT UGLY THING GONE NOW OR I'LL BURN IT!" He tried to threaten but Chay showed his big doe eyed pouty face and it just melted his weak little heart in an instant.

How could he say no to that, ugh, Chay knows his weaknesses. Not fair!

In the end Porchay got the teddy bear that turned out to be a gift from his own older brother.

Why would Tankhun even gift someone such an ugly looking teddy bear? And why Porsche, he doesn't look like a teddy bear person?

Well he does like hugs, but there isn't much hugging space on a bear so why give him this in the first place?

He's just thinking too much because the bear was stealing all of Chay's attention!

So Mr. Teddy, as Porsche said it was called, had spent all day long in Chay's lap wherever they went.

Even when going to the bathroom he had taken it with him saying that I would hurt his sweet Mr. Teddy!

How could he say that, I would never do that!

Okay, okay I would but who wouldn't has he taken a good look at that ugly thing!

It's just asking me to burn it, I can see it in his creepy wobbly eyes that he wants me to put him on fire!

Even during dinner Chay had brought the stupid bear with him and his father was surprised to see Chay with it?

Don't know why but that was? And why was Tankhun smiling like an idiot when he saw Chay with it?

When Porsche said that Chay wanted it and asked if Tankhun was mad that he gave his gift to Chay he was a little upset.

Maybe he is just upset that Porsche didn't keep his gift for longer than 24 hours before giving it away like it wasn't important to him!

That was until Pol whispered something to him and he became the happiest person alive for some unknown reason?

His sadness didn't really take long tho, for some reason he became even more excited looking at Chay with sparkling eyes?

Tankhun on the other side was excited to start haunting his next victim tonight when Pol told him that little Chay was as scared of ghost's if not even more than Porsche.

He even went straight to bed after dinner so he could stay up all night long for his next haunting session.

Even Pol and Arm got to sleep earlier together with him on his king sized bed so they wouldn't be discovered.

After all, it would raise suspicion if they all went to bed at 6 pm for no reason.

They couldn't wait for the night to begin.

Will Chay survive the night or is it someone else who needs to worry about their life?

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