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Remus Lupin never expected Y/N's life to play out this way. If it had gone right, he wouldn't be at Kings Cross with tears gleaming in his eyes and a heavy heart. If his sister hadn't been tortured to the brink of insanity, he would've been Y/N's uncle, not her primary caretaker. Though, he wouldn't have it any other way. Especially after the custody battle with the Ministry of Magic - without the help of one Albus Dumbledore, he would've lost the only thing he had left, his niece.

The Ministry of Magic had refused to allow him custody of Y/N due to his lycanthropy. Dumbledore hadn't intervened until a month into the custody battle. Remus accepted his aid, but never fully trusted Dumbledore, knowing he must have an ulterior motive.

But, it seemed, the old wizard was more help than Remus could ever imagine. During his transformation, Dumbledore sent Y/N to St. Mungo's and covered all costs for her stay. This happened for two days every month. Nothing more, nothing less. She would stay in a ward with her parents, the Sterling's. Though they didn't recognize Y/N as their beloved daughter, they found comfort in her presence and vice versa. Remus knew he could never amount to love and care of a parent, but he tried. He tried his very best.

Now, Y/N Lupin -er...Sterling, though technically Lupin- didn't seem to notice this growing sadness in her uncles heart. Instead, she was practically bouncing with excitement. In front of her stood a scarlet train, the Hogwarts Express. Around them, there was the usual hustle and bustle of parents and their children. Y/N had been dreaming of this day since she were a little girl. It was a four step plan: turn eleven on, receive her Hogwarts Letter, go to Hogwarts and have the time of her life.

"Uncle Remuuussssss," Y/N whined. "let go already, we've been hugging for five minutes."

"Right, yes, sorry N/N," he replied. Composing himself, he put a hand on her shoulder and said, "have an amazing time. Write to me when you feel like it, no pressure."

She grinned up at him. "Expect letters all the time. I will be ranting to you about everyone and everything."

Remus said nothing, knowing if he opened his mouth, he would start crying. It took him a couple minutes to collect his thoughts. Then, he finally said, "I'll look forward to it. Stay out of trouble, N/N. "

"I always do," the young girl said with a wink, then pushed her trolley into the waiting doors of the train. It was a new adventure for her - and a very long one indeed.


Y/N walked the length of the train, through the narrow hallways, dragging her trunk behind her. The sheer amount of people - students, she realized, was a little bit overwhelming. Definitely different from the serene-looking Lupin Cottage, located near a small muggle town.

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