9 (part 1)

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Nicki was dying to see Beyoncé again.  It had only been two nights since their previous encounter, but Nicki couldn't get Beyoncé out of her mind. She thought about her constantly, wondering what she was doing and why she hadn't called. Though she had picked up on Beyoncé's sexual habits, she still hoped and waited for a call that hadn't come.

Nicki was on a flight and beside her sat the world's most annoying teenager, repeatedly taking off his mask to yell at his mom, who sat in the seat behind her with two smaller children. She watched him loudly shovel chips into his mouth and scatter crumbs all over the in flight table, some of which she had to brush off of her jeans. Despite her frustration, she tried her best to ignore it, instead thinking about the flawless celebrity who had her heart; remembering every word she'd ever said to her during sex, reminiscing on her taste and the feel of her skin. Fantasies filled her mind, once again, but this time she had another distraction.

On the other side of Nicki her friend, Lauren, was lightly snoring. With her mouth open and her head thrown back, Nicki was glad she'd decided to give her the window seat otherwise this teenager would probably be posting clips of her online or something.

Lauren had been the one to plan this friend's trip. Since her breakup, she was desperate to spend time with friends and to be distracted. It wasn't really a breakup since they were never officially together, but a long term situationship that had her rethinking everything.  A trip to Atlanta offered the perfect distraction, and when she brought up the idea to her friends they both seemed as excited as she was. Nicki had claimed she could only go on certain dates. And coincidentally, those dates overlapped with Beyoncé's tour. Noticing this, Lauren suggested they got tickets to see her perform. Lauren really needed her friends and some fun. This trip would be perfect to cheer her up.

As much as Nicki wanted to be annoyed with Lauren sleeping, she was glad to see Lauren was still the same person she went to school with. Lauren was the type of person who could fall asleep anywhere and Nicki had almost forgotten just how much she liked to sleep. Despite the noise of the flight, and the discomfort of her seat, Lauren was deep into a dream about aliens and space and fighting with cowboys.

Nicki sighed and looked over her concert tickets, making sure that everything was correct. She couldn't risk not seeing Beyoncé's show. That was what she was most excited for. This time, Nicki wanted to be immersed in the performance. She told herself that she was going to be normal this time. She was just going to be a regular fan in the stands having fun with her friends and enjoying the music.

She wasn't going to go early to see if Beyoncé might want to see her or look out for the crew members who'd recognise her and get her backstage. She was just going to enjoy the performance. She would watch and Beyoncé wouldn't even know she was there. But, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't help the aching pit in her stomach telling her that she might have gone too far. If Beyoncé noticed the location sharing, she might think that Nicki was crazy or a stalker. But Nicki knew that she wasn't crazy and she wasn't a stalker. She just had to prove it and behave herself - not act like she was crazy, or worse, like she was dangerous.

Instead, Nicki promised herself that she wouldn't let her feelings cloud her judgment. She was a mature adult, which she reminded herself of. But knowing she was seeing Beyoncé, still made her heart race with more than just excitement.

Lauren and Rihanna were the perfect friends to go with. They both loved Beyoncé and they were her childhood best friends. They looked out for Nicki and Nicki did the same for them. Nickis heart pounded as the plane descended. She didn't have a problem with flying, but the descent got her every time. She gripped the armrests tightly, her knuckles whitening as she watched the window and grit her teeth. The flight attendant approached asking if everything was alright and she nodded with a smile as the child beside her rolled his eyes.

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