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Nicki knew she needed to take her mind off of Beyoncé. But there wasn't much to do as she followed her from state to state. She was starting to feel like her life revolved around the celebrity. Beyoncé was always in the back of her mind. But wasn't that what it meant to be in love? To breathe for someone and think about them all the time?

She was running out of justification for these air miles, especially when Beyoncé didn't acknowledge her presence. She had done all of the tourist things; seeing the Colosseum in Rome, smoking in Amsterdam, watching ice hockey in Canada, and even more on her travels. Now she was in Philadelphia. There were two things to do - see Beyoncé and make sure she tried the city's famous food.

Philadelphia was famous for a few things, but there was only one thing about this city that interested her. Nicki found herself drawn to a small diner: "Home of the Original Philly Cheesesteak."

The menu was concise, but her choice was clear - the classic Philly cheesesteak. She ordered and watched as the chef got to work. He carved thin slices of ribeye steak. The griddle crackled as the meat met the heat and sizzled. Beside the beef, a mound of onions simmered, and caramelised. The scent danced through the air as a soft Italian roll awaited. It was gently toasted, before the steak and onions were added. The scent, the sight, and the sizzle made Nicki drool. When the cheese was added, it began to melt and she knew that it would be delicious.

She watched the sandwich be wrapped and sliced when her phone started to ring. She jumped, slightly startled as she checked who was calling. It was a private number, so she didn't hesitate to answer.

"H-Hello" she scrambled, unsure of herself as she answered the phone placing her earphones in. She hoped inside that she knew who it was. She hoped it was her with all of her heart.

"Hi Nicki" said the voice, its warm timbre familiar. It was deep and rich and Nicki immediately got chills. Her eyes didn't move from the sandwich, as the voice filled her ears, but she began to drool for something other than her meal.

"H-hi" Nicki repeated, her heart filling up. This was the voice that had filled her dreams for the last days, and the voice she felt swirl around her fantasies all day. Desire coursed through her veins, filling her with a deep and intense passion. She ached to feel Beyoncé again - smooth skin pressed against her.

"I might want to see you tonight, would you be free?" Her voice was smooth and velvety, with a deep and gentle cadence. There was a quiet confidence in her tone, a sense that she knew the answer before it was said. "I understand if you're uncomfortable. Last time I saw you was—"

"I'll come" Nicki forced out, changing to subject from her previous shame. Her need for physical closeness with Beyoncé intensified with each passing moment. She took a bite of her food, and was met with a symphony of delicious flavours and textures; the tender, juicy beef beneath the sweet, caramelised onions, and the smooth creamy cheese. They should have all been great distractions. Instead, she salivated at the thought of Beyoncé. She couldn't focus on her food, though she mindlessly chewed putting herself on mute.

"Great, I'll call you later and get someone to sort out your transport, where are you?"

"I-I'm in Philly," Nicki tried to sound less like a stalker.

"Oh, that's convenient so am I." Beyoncé hesitated as if she was thinking. She didn't bother asking why Nicki was there. Nicki was a hairdresser with clients all over the country. Besides this did make things easier. "When can you get here?"

Truthfully, Beyoncé had wanted to call Nicki for a while, but since that confession she didn't want to lead her on. She figured it had been two weeks now, so Nicki had time to get over her. It was just a little crush after all. The two couldn't be more than client and provider.

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