Chapter 4: Chloe/Kendall Showdown, Act II

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Two days later at the studio, the girls and moms were in Studio A with Abby and Antonio as Payton was on crutches due to her injured ankle.

"Congratulations, you're the overall high score winners." Abby said as everybody applauded.

"We wish it was a great weekend in Orlando, Florida, but as it turned out, it wasn't as we saw a few things we hope to never see again. Ever heard the expression it's all fun and games until somebody loses an eye?" Antonio added as he and his mother looked in Leslie's direction before pyramid started and when pyramid was done.

"Payton, you have yet to admit you were fooling around!" Abby told Payton sternly. "1st, you tripped over a chair leg and then we find out it was Kendall's foot actually. But we have heard you made fun of the ballet dance on the stage and did those steps and that is how you fell!"

"Where and who did you hear these stories from?" Leslie wondered.

"Not just from every single person backstage, but a souce that is very reliable and i informed mom about before we left the competition!" Antonio responded.

"Do not try to lie about my daughter! She tripped over a prop and turned around!" Leslie told them.

"Payton almost cost us the win!" Abby exclaimed.

"If you two do ot want Payton on the team and want to give her the boot, just do it!"

"Well, you're outta here!" Antonio shouted, doing the ejection signal whenever a umpire or referee ejects an unruly player from the game which amused Abby.

"Come on, Payton." Leslie told her daughter, who headed towards her. "Remember that when you go and ask her back again. You two cannot keep messing with somebody's head over and over. If anybody's lying, it's you two morons."

Payton and Leslie left Studio A.

"Oh, well." Antonio muttered. "Everybody should know that mom taught you and myself about what's acceptable behavior and what isn't backstage, don't fool around in the wings when another team is on stage! Remember, in the iconic words of my mom, everyone's replaceable!" Antonio told everybody. "Mom, over to you."

"Thanks, Antonio. This weekend, we'll be traveling to Roanoke, Virginia to attend Dance Troupe Internationala and to let you all know, Antonio and myself did some research earlier today and found out the Wicked Witch of the West from Canton's going to be flying in with her little minions." Abby stated as the moms and girls had sullen expressions on their faces. "The group dance'll be known as The Witches of East Canton, a dig at those accursed apples and we have two solos that will go to Chloe and Kendall. Chloe's solo is named Wreck It and Kendall's solo is called Holla. We also have a duet with Antonio and Brooke, which is known as. Moms, you can exit and girls, Antonio, spread out."

The moms went upstairs to the observation deck and in the midst of Chloe rehearsing her solo, the moms were talking about Showdown 2 between Chloe and Kendall.

"Looks like you aren't happy over Kendall facing Chloe again as it's like going back in time to two weeks prior." Christi pointed out.

"It's bad enough Abby's pitting Chloe against My lIttle Kendall again, but she doesn't even put Kendall in the duet with Antonio? Kendall should have a duet with Antonio!" Jill whined.

"Come on, Kendall's got a solo, that's better than nothing." Kelly told Jill.

"Yeah." Melissa and Holly agreed.

"If that was one to make them better dancers, i'm all for it." Christi said, she was getting really tired of Jill's complaining and so did the moms.

In between rehearsals after Antonio had rehearsed his duet with Brooke, he was with Gianna looking up information as Abby came to see what her son and assistant choreographer were finding for the competition.

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