the end of ridoshirin

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Another day passed .

I thanked God that it wasn't a nasty hacker , it was someone trying  to promote financial scamming .

I thanked God no  inappropriate messages to my followers were  sent .

I figured out some Erica coin trader.

Was the main culprit .
(I cant find that account now)

I took a screenshot of her profile too

I took a screenshot of her profile too

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I requested but never got accepted.

Now it was getting out of hands .

I didn't care about getting my account back.

My followers had dropped to 115.

Anyone left was good as dead.

This was the last text after I got blocked from there too

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This was the last text after I got blocked from there too.

I thought that's it.

Around 2 am. I thought of my Nigerian connection on linkedin
She was an aquaculture consultant.
I had learnt a lot from her , professionally and even on a personal level she explained a lot of life lessons in the most unique way.

I texted her too , I asked her if she could help me get this person get arrested.

She said it wasn't possible to trust Nigerian police on this one.
This won't go anywhere.

She said the same had happned to her but she made a new account instead .

Still she tried to help me.

The next morning she said she's sent a link on my email.

Then I told her how the email thing isn't working at all.
I felt so sorry coz she texted me when it was 7am in Nigeria.

She apologized on behalf of some bad people from Nigeria giving me trouble .

I told her it's ok.
There's good and bad people everywhere.

I was more furious on instagram.
Even after so many reports  it was taking them so much time to take down my account.

204 to 115 was a big  number of followers reporting my account.

Some followers I couldn't reach out because they didn't allow dms from people who didn't follow them I tagged them in random comments and explained everything to them

Funniest part is that the post I tagged them in was a sad qoute in urdu that said " it happens , it keeps going like that, its world."

How relatable.

Even my brother was happy that I finally got rid of instagram.

There was one follower who informed me that hacker had changed my entire personality.

Nowww here's when tables turned

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Nowww here's when tables turned.

That was the most loser move he ever made because the person he copied was actually an influencer

She posted on her story and guess what?

Instagram has real real reason to disable my account.

"Pretending to be someone else "

Next day everyone confirmed that it was disabled.

A sigh of relief *****

I cried a bit.

Finally I saved all if my followers from getting hacked.

I'm not sure about the ones I never talked to.

But yes 80 plus people were confirm free from that scam.

It was so exhausting
Mentally physically.
Knowing I have a bad cervical spondylosis I stayed up late to text everyone.
Check text messages.
Try to reach out every way possible.

At last. Ridoshirin.  Was gone.
The part of me that survived the toughest phase of her life. And no there's no longing for finding that girl.

It's true you never find the same person twice in the same person.

I don't want to look for old me.

I don't know if I'll make another account with the same username.

It traumatized  everyone .

But It still bother me that person is somewhere happy, alive ready to hack another person.

Byeee  hope you liked it.

And plz be safeee

My Friend Hacked Me .(REAL story Time) SS And Proof InvolvedWhere stories live. Discover now