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Trigger Warning!!!
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Saylor stepped off the train and was escorted into the capitol building. She was led to a hotel-like room. She enters the room and the door shuts behind her. She tries to open the door but it is locked. Then she hears another door open and a faceless man walks through the door.

"Well, aren't you a pretty girl? Did you get dressed up for me?" The man says eyeing her up and down.
Saylor looks down and sees she's in a very revealing dress. Saylor tries to open the door again but it wouldn't budge.

The faceless man walks over to her and pins her against the wall. "Don't be scared... I'm going to take real good care of you." He said while stroking her cheek. "Don't touch me!" She protested. Saylor wanted to fight back but her body wasn't letting her. "Aw, it's cute that you think you have a choice.
Well, guess what... no one coming to save you." The man taunted. He started kissing her neck and he's hands started roaming her body. Saylor was screaming but nothing was coming out of her mouth.
The door opened and Saylor pushed the man off of her.


She bolted out of the room and ran down a long hallway as the man chased her laughing. At the end of the hall was a door. She ran as fast as she could and opened the door. She quickly went inside and locked the door. She looked around at her surroundings and realized she was at home in her living room.
Saylor heard her mother's voice and ran upstairs.

She followed the voice to Finnick's room and opened his door. She saw her mom and Finnick when he was younger sitting on his bed. Finnick looked upset and her mom was comforting him. She walked in but stopped when they both looked at her, they looked angry. "Mom is that you?"She questioned. Finnick abruptly stood up and pointed his finger at her. "You! You're the reason I have to do this! It's all your fault." He yelled at her. Saylor was taken aback. "Finn? What are you talking about?" She asked not sure what was going on.
"I hate you! I wouldn't have to sell my body if it weren't for you!" He spat out.
"Finn... I'm so sorry... I'm so sorry" She sobbed and kept apologizing.
"Wake up... Saylor, wake up it's ok" She heard her brother say.

Saylor woke up in a panic and tears were running down her face. Where am I? Is it over? She thought.
"Saylor, you're ok. It was just a dream." Finnick said and sat on her bed. Saylor looks at her brother and then starts sobbing even harder. He leans over and hugs her trying to calm her down."I'm so sorry Finnick. I'm so sorry. I-" She says while holding on to her brother as if he would disappear.
"Shh, it's ok Sayy."He shushed her. He didn't know what her dream was about but he knew it wasn't her fault.

Finnick held his sister till she stopped crying. Saylor pulled away from Finnick and blew her nose. "Do you want to talk about it?" He asked her.
Saylor nodded then explained her dream to Finnick.

" I knew it was a dream but it also felt so real." She said after she explained her dream. She didn't go into much detail about the first part of her dream as she didn't want to worry Finnick too much. "Saylor, I have never. And will never. Blame you for that. It was not your fault." He reassures her.
"I know Finnick, but I can't help but blame myself." She tells him.
Finnick sighs, He knows she probably will always blame herself no matter what. "Saylor I-" A knock on their front door Interrupts Finnick.
"Are we expecting anyone?" Saylor asks Finnick.
"I'll go answer it... I think it's Annie." Saylor perked "It's Annie!? I'm going to go shower then. I haven't seen her since before my games and I don't want to stink." She hops up and grabs some stuff from her
Closet. Finnick laughs at her reaction. " sounds good to me. you do stink." He says while leaving her room. Saylor throws her socks at him for his comment.

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