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Long chapter !!I was going to do all of the game in one chapter but I think I will do two.
I used the base of Katniss games but with my own twist. Thank you so much for reading! And thank you for all the votes!


"They put all kinds of stuff right in front. Right in the mouth of the Cornucopia. There'll even be a knife belt there. Don't go for it." Finnick told his sister.
"Why not?" She asks.
"It's a bloodbath, they're trying to pull you in. That's not your game. You turn, run, and find a high ground.
Look for water. Water's your new best friend.
Don't step off that pedestal earlier or they'll blow you sky high." He explains  "I won't."Saylor said. "Saylor... You can do this." Finnick encouraged his sister.
"Thanks, Finn,"

"Give me your arm." the man with a lab coat and a long needle shot, roughly says.
"What is that?" Saylor quickly asks.
"Your tracker." she hesitantly lifts her arm for the man to inject the tracker.

Saylor had 1-minute to say goodbye to Baylee and then she would 1-minute to say goodbye to Finnick. While Saylor and Baylee were saying goodbye. Finnck and River were doing the same thing.

"I'm not allowed to bet. But if I could I'd bet on you!... I'm so confident that you are going to win I am already making your victory dress."Baylee says then hugs Saylor. "I can't wait to see it... thank you for everything." Baylee smiles at the girl "Of course... it was my pleasure." she says and then gives Saylor one last hug. "One minute remaining." the speaker announced. And Finnick walks into the room and hugs his sister not wasting any time. Baylee quietly exits leaving the two siblings to say goodbye.
Finnick pulls away from their hug and takes off his ring. "All tributes are allowed to have one token. And I want you to have my ring." Saylor immediately shakes her head no. "Finnick, this was Dad's ring. He gave it to you. " Finnick grabs Sayler's hand and puts the ring on her thumb. It was silver, and was shaped like a trident  "And now I am giving it to you... you are going to win this I know it. " Finnick says
"Please step into the Capsule" Saylor gives her brother one last hug. "I love you, Finn. Thank you for always protecting and taking care of me." she quickly let out. Then walks into the capsule.
"I love you too Saylor," Finnick says with tears in his eyes.

The capsule shuts and then starts lifting Saylor to the arena. Once she is fully up in the arena she takes a look around. Looking at her surroundings.

The arena is a forest, and in the distance, you can see mountains. The cornucopia and the podiums the tributes are standing on, are all in a crater.
Saylor looks around for River and spots him across from her to the right. They make eye contact. River uses his head to point in the direction that they should run in to tell Saylor where to go. She nods at him to tell him that she understands.
10... 9... 8...
Saylor looks around and sees that Julia is staring at her with determination. 4... 3... 2.... 1..
A canon goes off signaling the start of the game.

Saylor gets off her platform and starts running in the direction that she and River decided on. As she was running she saw a backpack lying on the ground. deciding it might be worth it to grab it she starts to run towards it. But another tribute saw it too and started going for it. Saylor was a little closer to it so she got there first. 
She quickly grabbed the backpack and started running again. Saylor saw River waiting for her at the top of the crater. He was yelling at her to hurry up because they needed to go. She sped up a little more but as she was running she got tackled to the ground by another female tribute. The tribute tried to grab Saylor's backpack but Saylor was stronger. Saylor pushed the girl to the ground, turned around, and ran. As she ran to River someone was trying to shoot her with a bow. She didn't look back at who it was and just kept running. She finally made it to River and they both started to run into the woods.

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