I need your help

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Note: I want to tell this story to everyone so that they don't face what I had to face , plus I want that person to rot in hell! I will mention him too! (With picture because he deserves it)
You won't believe the mentally exhausting phase I had to go through


It was a lovely Sunday and I decided to log into my instagram.

I had deactivated for exams but still there was this gut feeling of quitting it someday.

I had already quit snapchat and trust me that feeling of being free from 'streaks' shit was soo good.

But instagram hit different to me.

I made it after COVID , school ended forever now it was time to look for a college.
It's HARD to know what you want to do at such a young age specially when you're not good at sticking with just one profession so here's where accounting did pop up in my mind, you can change industries, countries and end up becoming a CFO and if you're not a CFO there's still nothing lower than $120k , young money ! Not like getting your first 100k after 30s in academia. Or worse . (I hate academia)
trust me finance accounting and tech is where my interest lies but who knows what I might feel like the next year?

It was such a depressing phase.

And in that deeply devastating Era I made a huge mistake .

I became a BTS army .

No no don't come at me. Its still hard moving on from yoongi.

my rebellious, " I'll ruin you through my work" behavior came from SOMEWHERE....

The whole army phase I felt like yoongi raised me.and I did catch his attitude

bultaoreune😼 (you'll know what I mean if you're an army)

But I was soo wrong. These were symptoms of a disease I needed to free myself from . Don't get me wrong but celebrity worship syndrome is real and dangerous.

It makes you wonder if you'll ever feel the same for anyone else.

So as any other addict I rushed to my only source of dopamine :

Drumroll 🥁 🥁 🥁 ****


I made an instagram with the most unique username: ridoshirin.

It's short form for my Japanese name 'ridoshirinkachi'

And I found an amazing group of friends. We didn't just feed each other's delusions but also shared some similar stories and my love for them increased 10x.

Until I realized my love for God was fading. And it was killing me.


Now it depends on people how they see parasocial relationships.

For me it was getting out of hands . So I decided to leave the friend group (JUST ON IG).

Only the insta group but outside of that we were still besties . And we still are.

I'm so thankful that we met.

I cleaned my feed .

I still remember my hands shaking on clicking 'not interested ' on a yoongi post.

His gaze .
The most beautiful gaze.

It's a whole different story why and how he became my bias .
That day of 2020 and a song that still haunts me.

After all that I thought I was becoming better.

But there's always a toxic nostalgia related to what you have infront of your eyes. And when it's not like it used to be. You keep searching for the person you were.

But that person is gone.

And you don't feel anything.

I was enrolled in a college I didn't like but I had no choice.

Still studying fish felt better. At least it was going to give me time to decide.

I started to love it .
Still unsure of what will become of me.

One day a reel of min yoongi popped up in my feed.
My jaw dropped on how beautiful he looked and more over there was a news of him getting enlisted in military.

I wanted to cry.
I thought I didn't care about it.

I watched his face for the last time.

"Let's meet in 2025" He said.

I gained some courage and scrolled .

Months went by, I kept deactivating and reactivating my account.

Sometimes I missed my friends .

They always showed so much support to me.
They were always happy for me.
And I loved them for cheering me up.

So yes that sunday I logged into my account to say goodbye to a group of friends from college, since all of them were on ig I decided to make a video for them and put it in my close friends story.

Luckily I never posted my own pictures on insta .

After that I waited for the 7 days period to get over so that I could deactivate my insta again.

Between that period.

A message of my army friend popped up.

"I need your help "
We never really talked a lot we just met on a telegram bts meme channel.

She helped me in my youtube channel phase. And loved my edits.
So I thought I must help her too.

Little did I know.

I was going to make the biggest mistake of the year


I will update you in part two it gets more interesting 😭

My Friend Hacked Me .(REAL story Time) SS And Proof InvolvedTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang