Chapter Twenty-Three :

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Today is going to be a big day.

He's been planning this meticulously for weeks, working hard to get it right. If everything goes well, it'll be worth it, but if he messes this could fuck everything up. He just wants everything to be perfect for Courtney on her birthday.

To say Ian is nervous is an understatement. His stomach has been in knots for days and even this morning, he could only stomach half of his coffee and a bite of his toast before the nerves got to be too much. It's not as though he's scared that he's planned a bad party - if there's one thing he has learned over the past year and a half, it's that even the worst of times can be filled with so much joy, so long as you're surrounded by the right people. But he's worried that he's doing the wrong thing. Courtney has been through a lot recently; he doesn't want to cross the line and lose her trust in him.

He knows her and he knows that she wouldn't want some big event planning. So he's tried to keep it low-key, but what if he hasn't gotten it right?

They didn't have the chance to celebrate last year - he just wanted to make up for that.

The plan is elaborate, in spite of the idea itself being general. Just a small party, with only their coworkers invited (and Courtney's family, of course. He couldn't not invite her dad and sister), but with all the foods and presents and activities she loves. Hell, he even enlisted Shayne and Kari to help, covering up the tracks with an ongoing joke that he and Kari matches on a dating site and have been seeing each other casually. Well, the dating site isn't a lie, but Courtney doesn't need to know that. She cringed enough at the idea as it was.

Forcing a smile, he watches as Olivia does her part in convincing Courtney to dress up for their EIOYI birthday special. Garrett, credit where credit is due, had come up with that on his own; they were scheduled to film one, anyway, but now it's the distraction whilst everyone else helps set up for the party. He just hopes everyone remembers the plan and makes sure she gets 'The Big Bite'.

That's going to be when Kenn and Kari come in to help surprise her.

"C'mon, Courtney, you gotta dress up. It's your birthday!" Olivia whines, playing the part well. She's tugging on the sleeve to Courtney's flannel, one Ian is almost positive originally belonged to Shayne, following the blonde around as she tries to pack away some of the TNTL props they'd borrowed for a sketch. Olivia's bottom lip juts out slightly, wobbling as she continues to pull on the shirt.

"I didn't bring anything to wear, Liv, and I'm not wearing a costume. It's no big deal." Her voice seems firm, certain, and if Ian didn't know better, he would say there was no swaying her. Good thing he's known her for years.

Olivia grins in a menacing way, grabbing a gift bag from beside the countertop, "I had a feeling you'd say that. Guess it's a good thing I got you this, then."

"Oh my god, Liv, you didn't," Courtney exclaims, lifting a box from the bag. She places it onto the table, sliding off the lid and peeling back the tissue paper to reveal neatly folded silk. " shouldn't have. This must've cost a fortune - how did you know I wanted it?"

The brunette shrugs, pushing the box closer towards the other woman. "You saved it to your Pinterest board after we saw it in that boutique, it wasn't hard to guess you were in love. Now go, get changed. I wanna see you look like a queen. Please, Courtney, please, please, please."

"Fine. You win. But you better help me with my hair."

Ian grins at how easy that was, mentally ticking off his checklist. They're making good progress and he's starting to feel more confident in the plan. Courtney's family are on the way, the cake is hidden in the kitchen fridge - guarded by Garrett alongside the other EIOYI foods, the catering is due to arrive any minute now, and the art department have decorations at the ready in order to turn the bullpen into the perfect party room once filming starts. All they're waiting on now is the call time for the last shoot, the crew finishing setting up the studio at that very moment.

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