Having your Jelly Baby

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This book took me two hours and fourteen minutes to read, literally. I can't express how bad I want you all to read this book and share the experience I had with everyone. It includes all the right genres that everyone loves, witty jokes and a humour you can't help but 'lol' to, as well as something unique that brings the killer story line that leaves you craving more. This book left me laughing out loud, nearly crying and screaming along with the characters in the book when the drama unfolds. The romance is bang on chick-lit but holds the certainty of real love and care. It just wants you to have your own jelly baby! I can't say anymore the book just speaks for itself, so I totally recommend it to everyone as it literally has something within for everyone, so without further ado,
Ladies and Gentlemen, may I present to you: Having your Jelly Baby
Author: nearlymorning
Genre: Romance
Status: Completed

'Let's just say watching the love of your life getting married to your sister is a traumatic experience. That's probably why I sat there during their wedding reception tearing heads off of babies with my teeth. Jelly babies, of course, not real ones. I don't believe in cannibalism.' The day of her sister's wedding Nova Hart spends venting her anger by gorging on jelly babies. She certainly doesn't expect to end up pregnant with a real one by the end of the night, let alone one whose father is flighty TV and film actor Drew Turner, who might just end up surprising her.


Hello World,

Its been a long time. It feels like I haven't done a review in ages, when really its just been 3 months! Just a heads up I have been reading lots of books in that time, but not all of them have that WOW factor that leaves me lying on my bed after I've finished it, thinking what do I do with my life now...lol

But on a serious note, I am back with more reviews for super-cool, amazingly-good books, that I have been reading and still am.

Also remember to show your appreciation to the author by voting, commenting and the rest on this book. If you have already read or are reading this book, comment below and let me know your thoughts so we can totally fan girl together!!
If you would like me to read your book and give you feedback also comment below or just pop me a private message, I always reply.
So until then make sure to,



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