Story three: The gas station on the left

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Holly kept her eyes on the road.

The car shifted around lanes. Traffic was clear.
"Everyone must be sleeping." Holly thought.

It was 9:34 pm, they were coming back from Wyoming.

Her kids were past asleep. One was smashing their brother but the other one was leaning onto the window.

She didn't like that her kid was lending onto the window.

She thought it was going to open and her kid would have been smashed. Like a pancake.

She was gonna say something, but she let it slide.

Holly noticed, that the only car on the road was hers. Her bright headlights had reflected the whole road.

It was foggy. Eyes made it harder to see the road even through she had bright headlights.

The focus zoomed out and onto her gas. She check how much gas she had left, until they arrive to their location.

Her gas tank was low.

"Shit." She whispered.
"Hey mom language... But mom, do you know how many hours we left?" Her son said quietly and softly.

"We have 3 more hours."

She looked at side mirror and her son went back to sleep.

Her mind was set on Cole. It was Hollys husband. He was a man that made her feel.. Feelings.

Cole loved me deep down. His blue eyes, his western accent, and deep black hair.
They're all.. Impeccable.

Holly had caved his pleasure and hotness. He would loved me like nobody can. He fulfilled a life with 2 loving kids.

But not anymore. He is divorcing me. That heart is filled with love and joy. But deep down was a monster, waiting for a feast to pleasure him.

Holly thoughts started to mixed up with mischief, and evil.

She pushed away the thoughts and went straight back to driving.

In holly eyes, she saw lights of red. It was showed from an mile away.

She thought it was gas station on way. So her plan was to get gas and go.

As she drives the kids wake up. Drool was all over on each other.

They wipe their drool on the plams of their hands.

"Hey Charlotte."
"Hey Mom." She yawned.

Jacob open his eyes to red lights from a distance.

"What was is that red thing in the distance?"
He said, as his eyes were opening from a blurry distance.

"It's a gas station. Well, I hope it is." Holly trusting her gut.

"Can we get candy?"
"No it's 9:45."

Wanting to be the cool mom, she said yes.

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