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    Coriolanus stretched out his arms, only to find the warmth Sejanus' body emmited to be gone. He must have already gotten up. "Sejanus?" he muttered, sitting up in the bleak bed that they had been assigned in the bunker. They'd already been here two years, which was hard for Coriolanus to belive. It seemed like only a matter of weeks ago that they had been stealing that hovercraft from Strabo.
    He found Sejanus had already left for work. There was a tight schedule to be followed here in Thirteen and since Sejanus was a medic, his was tighter than most. Coriolanus looked over the clock and figured Sejanus must have been called in with an emergency because it was only five and he wasn't scheduled to be in till six.
        Coriolanus had a busy schedule too, being the President's secretary. It wasn't the position he had hp[ed for but he knew he was going to work his way up the food chain. He had got promoted to this job after only two months of training and six months of being an informant on the layout of the capitol, trying to give them a good idea of what the city looked like inside and out. Who knew that he was going to be a prominent figure for the rebels?  He hadn't given up on the idea of power quite yet after all, it simply wasn't in is nature to abandoned his ambitions at a moment's notice.
      The day flew by in a haze of writing down notes and following the president's orders. The president was a short, stocky man named Aurelius Hollowpoint. His workers had a varied age range the youngest was a girl about fifteen named Alma Coin. Coriolanus despised her as they butted heads on almost everything and the worst part was, she was above him in status. He was thankful when the day was done and he could go back to his pod where he and Sejanus lived.
    Coriolanus lied on the bed, waiting for Sejanus to get home. The door opened with a creak and he sat up. "
   He hung up his blood spattered jacket and went over to kiss Coriolanus. When they kissed, he could feel the scar that started below his botton lip and went to right in the middle of his eyebrow. He still wore the eyepatch, having lost most of his sight in his left eye and had a heavy limp due to a damaged nerve in his leg. Still, Coriolanus found him to be the same beautiful boy he had fallen in love with in the woods of twelve.
  Sejanus plopped down onto the bed next to Coriolanus. "Coryo I've been thinking."
  "That's a first." He responded playfully.
  Sejanus elbowed him playfully.
   "Go on now." Coriolanus smiled.
    Sejanus fidgeted nervously. Coriolanus noticed this and touched his arm softly. "Is everything alright Sej-"
   "I want to get married."
   Coriolanus was taken aback by this. He admittedly had thought about it a few times, plus this would allow them to have a few other perks of the districts, such as a bigger pod and increased rations. "Coryo look I-"
   He pressed his lips to Sejanus. "I want to."
  "Really?" sejanus smiled.
  Coriolanus nodded. "I do love you after all. Why would I say no?"
  Sejanus smiled at him. "Because you like to scare me." He smiled down at him. No formal propsal like what would be demanded at the Capitol, but a propsal all the same.
   "I think I get some wiggle room because of that one time." He smirked playfuly. "Your much more, predictable here Sejanus, I'd seen it coming a mile away." He had infact had no clue but it was fun to tease.
   "I think I suprised you." He smiled pulling him in by his waist.
   "Oh Sejanus, you always have."

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