🩵 get to know me - 2 🩵

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why did i join Wattpad : i joined wp after my bad experience with life. i had done something that wasn't pleasing to most people. i was technically using instagram before wp. but like after my bad experience with life, i had to delete instagram and pinterest and it was the only app left. its not the best explanation, but i hope u understand where i was trying to go with this. i am glad that i joined wp when i joined bc i wouldn't have the best friendships with u people today :)

do i have any pet peeves : like rustling papers around, chewing with ur mouth open, ppl that are just annoying wherever they go

fav childhood memory : uhh idk it's prolly when i went to my first daddy daughter dance. it was honestly really fun, and i was like 6y/o

fav midnight snack : i'm a sucker for chips and salsa

what's on my bucket list : one thing; to visit all of u guys one day :)

fav memory : probably when i was 5, and i met my irl best friend for life :)

what would i like people to remember me for : i honestly don't know, what do u guys think?

something that makes me feel unstoppable : is when i show someone that i can do it, and it's prolly my writing and being active all the time

biggest life regret so far : my bad experience on sept 29, '22

quickest way to lose my trust : like if u take something from me, or wait if u look through my stuff on my phone. that trust goes down to zero, and it takes a long time to climb back up, and even like critiquing my every little move, that moves u back down.

is it easy to accept help from people : nope, i hate with a passion to ask people for help, it's just not me

how do i hope people describe me : kind, funny, great writer, amazing and incredible person, u find inspiration from me and my writing, maybe u model ur work like me or like look up to me

do i think dreams have deeper meanings : yes, i do

where do i go for fresh inspiration : i go somewhere out of my comfort zone tbh, it doesn't have to be somewhere u know or not

fav sport to watch : basketball

get rid of any genre of music, what would it be : ehh i just couldn't, everyone's gonna bash me for this question

ability to fly or teleport : ability to teleport

most excited about for the future : where my career on wp will go to

do i like cities or remote places better : remote places are def better

would i survive a zombie apocalypse : prolly for like a couple days, then no

which app do i use the most : i would have to say wattpad

what does friendship mean to me : it means that u and that person trust each other enough to go to the next step of making a friendship. it makes u feel like a great person inside, and u hope that person feels the same way. either irl or online

have i ever told a lie i regretted : yes i have, i still do to this day

my least fav part of being me : prolly my nail habit biting, or how ppl say that my outfits don't match. i mean like c'mon, no need to be mean tbh

do i trust people easily : nope, it takes a long time to climb back up the ladder if u do something that makes me not trust u anymore

am i proud of myself : yes i am proud of myself and what i've become on wp here, and ig proud of myself since i'm almost done at school

do i like small talk : no not at all. if it's someone i know then it's not as awkward, but if it's someone i don't know, then it's gonna be awkward

toughest conversation i've ever had : yk "the talk"

what's more important; excitement or stability : i really think it depends, but i think excitement is more important. i'm not gonna go into the whole detailed explanation tho

so this is the end of the second part, it's more like personal and deep questions

i actually have a couple questions for u guys :

why did u guys decide to follow me?

and how would u guys describe me?

and do u guys get inspired from me? or look up to me?

- ash 🩵🩵

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