Volume 3

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The following Friday at Freddie's, Gus is sitting quietly at the counter depressed. He has been in this situation for days after his breakup with Rhonda at Red Lobster, the only woman he truly ever loved.

Freddie, the proprietor and bartender approaches Gus asking, "say what's going on Gus, you're usually in a jolly mood, now you are sitting here depressed, and making my place look bad. What's going on man, talk to me," Gus tells him about his breakup with Rhonda and how Erica played a role." Freddie responds, "Gee Gus, the only thing I can say is sorry about your breakup, but I did want to tell you, that was no lady you left here that night with. Too late, the both of you were gone." "No shit Sherlock!" Gus replies as he continues, "Yea, I took the bitch home, find out she was a he and angrily fuck the shit out of him." Freddie responds, "You mean you did what?" Gus replies, "hell yeah I did it and why do you let trash like that in here anyway?" Freddie responds, "Gus, I don't discriminate. He, she or whoever can come in here as long as they are over twenty-one, drinking, socializing and afford to pay for their drinks and plus keep their other fun and games out of here." Gus replies, "I hear that, but I tell you one thing, if I ever see that cross-dressing sonufabitch again, I'm going to fuck him up!" "I hear that," says Freddie as he continues, "Uh, Gus when was the last time you attended church?" Gus replies, "My uncle's funeral. Why?" Freddie tells him, "Gus I mean regular, oh never mind. However, check this out; there is this certain preacher's kid who lives this abnormal lifestyle by wearing women's apparel and his folks probably know nothing about. I figure you might want to attend his father's church this Sunday and help this strange young man explain his way of living to his pastor dad and mom; you get my drift Gus." Laughing, Gus replies, "I got it, Man do I got it!" Freddie tells him, "Here let me give you a piece of paper with the name and the address." Gus looks at the paper, which reads: The Baptist Church, 468 Gates Ave. Gus says, "hmmm, says Freddie, how 'bout one for the road before I leave." Freddie obliges by pouring him another glass.

Gus leaves Freddie's wondering, "The Baptist Church, these people couldn't come up with a name and that faggot is the son of the preacher behaving like that, what is this world is coming to?" While on his way home, Gus happens to notice Erica getting out of a cab entering a bar across the street from where he is standing. Gus in pursuit, walks across the street and enters the bar full of men and some women. He notices Erica is having a conversation with a man at the bar and together they leave the lounge area together going into the men's room. Gus follows them entering the two-booth men's room, he bends down looking beneath the close stalls from the entrance and he notices Erica and that same guy inside a booth together, Erica seated on the toilet and the guy directly in front him. Gus goes to the booth and opens the door surprisingly yelling and interrupting Erica performing fellatio on the guy, "TIME-OUT BITCH, take five!" The other guy, who is supposedly straight, nervously stares at Gus, the guy is stunned, while he is inserting his privates inside his pants, zippering up walking away looking back. Gus tells him, "Don't worry, you can have her back after I'm through with her (the guy exits the restroom with Erica still inside the booth.) Hi ya doing Erica or is it Eddie, guess what? I found some very interesting things about you and we are going to be really close. Well, that's it, see you Sunday at The Baptist Church, I've got to go now and I am looking forward to meeting your momma and your preacher daddy young man, my mistake, young lady or whatever you want to be and tell them about us and how we met." Gus walking away exiting the restroom, walking straight through the bar and outside to hail him a cab. Eddie nervously runs out of the men's room, following Gus outside to where Gus is standing and a cab approach to where they are standing. Eddie pleads, "Gus listen please, I am begging you, I apologize for everything I done from deceiving you at Freddie's, to at your place and at Red Lobster, please do not go to my father's church, I am begging you please. My father does not know what I am into and it is not the right time. Please, I am begging you, if you are interested in going to a church this Sunday, I could recommend a few, but not mines please!" Gus's grinning tells the cab driver, "Hold up man, this will only take a few seconds, beside this should be entertaining. (To Eddie) Problems, guess you cannot take your ass out the closet, huh boy! Bother me again and I will attend your daddy's church and tell him and his flock about us and how we met." Eddie thanks him and Gus punches him hard in the stomach, before getting inside the cab grinning. The cab driver witnessing the whole scene is laughing also while driving away.  

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