Volume 2

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One month after the previous events, Gus goes to a ballroom party that his cousin Ethel has organized. There, he meets Rhonda, a woman who is eight years younger than him and whom Ethel has introduced to him. Rhonda is very attracted to Gus and admires his charisma and character.

Rhonda is Gus's love interest and he is very devoted to her. They enjoy various activities together, such as watching movies, dining out, meeting relatives and friends, and spending time at each other's apartment in a platonic way.

At Rhonda's apartment, ready for the next level, which is physical love making. But before doing so, Rhonda inquires, "Gus, you a man and I've been married, but I have to ask you this before we get undress and get ready to do what we are about to do, I need to ask if you had sexual intercourse with anyone in the last six months. Please be honest, don't lie to me Gus, if you do; it is over and I will never forgive you. Gus tells her the last time was this single mother of four, he dated three months ago. After explaining to her, Rhonda loosens her blouse and surrenders herself to him as they begin their lovemaking.

One week later, Gus plans to propose to Rhonda at Red Lobster. As they are enjoying their meal, three men in drag walk into the restaurant. One of them recognizes Gus and alerts his companions, "Uh that's him, that's the old fucker who tosses me out of his apartment!" They see who Gus is with and the three of them come up with a plan.

Rhonda comes out of the women's room and Erica talks to her. Erica also glances at Gus, but he avoids eye contact. Confused, Rhonda goes back to the table where she and Gus are having dinner. She confronts him and says, "Gus, that transvestite over there claims to know you." Gus turns around and is stunned, especially when Erica winks at him and lifts his glass of Hennessey and Coke. Rhonda says furiously, "Gus, you lied to me, it's over." She doesn't wait for his explanation and storms out of the restaurant in tears. Gus pays for the meal and follows her, but not before he stops by the table where the three queens are sitting. He tells Erica, "You think you've won, huh boy? This is not the end, bitch, you hear me. It's far from over." Gus leaves the restaurant angrily, while the queens enjoy their food and laugh.

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