chapter 5

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"the one with the blackout" 

Gianna had just walked into an ATM vestibule when all of the lights suddenly go out.

"Dammit." She calls out when she walks into someone.


"Oh my God, Chandler! I'm so glad your here." Gianna says.

"Yeah, well maybe I' m just an illusion that your mind created, because the blackout made you crazy." Chandler jokes.

"Shut up." Gianna laughs and hits Chandlers arm, or at least she thought it was his arm.

"Ouch! What did you do that for?" Chandler tries to touch his eye, but flinches when he does.

"God, I am so sorry! I'm so stupid." Gianna's eyes got used to the dark so she could see Chandler better. "Come, sit down." She grabs his arm and slowly pulls him down with her as she sits on the ground.

"Let me take a look at that." Gianna pulled Chandlers face closer to take a look at his eye. Chandler feels himself get hot, because of how close they are.

"I don't really see anything. I think it's just swollen, but-" Gianna trails off when she finally becomes aware of the few inches that keep their lips from touching. She quickly let's go of his face and looks down when she feels her cheeks het hot.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't-" She startes.

"No, it's okay." Chandler assures her.


No, I'm serious. I was so nervous and then I trew up all over him." Gianna laughs.

For the past half an hour they'd been sharing stories about their failed love lives.

"Oh God, that's even worse than when I accidantily spit gum on a girl's forhead, because I was trying to blow a bubble to impress her." Chandler says, making Gianna laugh before she continues her story.

"And then he stood me up on Valentines day, because he didn't want me to barf over his 'good suit' " Gianna sighs.

Im sorry. If I was going out with a girl like you, I would never even think of doing something like that. Even if you trew up all over me." Chandler turns to Gianna and places his hand on her thigh,

"Thanks, Chan. You're really sweet." Gianna lays her head on his shoulder.

"I just don't understand why I end up with all these stupid guys." She sighs.

"Come on, I'm sure they're not all stupid." Chandler says and Gianna scoffs.

"Oh believe me, they are."

"Yeah? Tell me then, about your last boyfriend, why'd you break up?" Chandler asks her.

"His name was Darran. And I met him at a party. I was a little tipsy. And I slept with him. The next morning I woke up in his bed, naked, and I was like 'oh my God, what the hell did I do?' So I wanted to sneak out, but he woke up and told me to stay so I did. We just started talking and one thing led to another and after a few dates he asked me to be his girlfriend. We dated for three years." Gianna says.

"Damn, three years? I'm already scared after dating for one week." Chandler says, admiring the girl.

"Yeah, it hit pretty hard when we broke up. I mean, I broke up with him, but still. I loved him, I think." Gianna sighs as she thinks back of her time with Darren.

"Why'd you break up?"

"Because he started to get abusive. And at first I thought he just had anger outburst, but then it happend again and again. I found excuse after excuse so I hated myself less for staying with him." Gianna looks at Chandlers scrunched face with pity for the girl.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bring the mood down." She apoligizes.

"It's okay. And I'm so sorry. That's all I can say, because I have no idea what that is like. I'm just glad your here and you're happy. Your happy right?" He asks Gianna.

"Yes, Chandler. I'm happy now and I'm really glad I moved here." Gianna lifts her head from Chandlers shoulder and wraps her arms around him. He gladly accepts the hug and wraps his arms around her waist. Gianna finds comfort in the crook of Chandlers neck. She feels his warmth surround her and they stay like this for a moment. 

They both pull away from the hug and stupidly smile at each other.

"I'm really luck to have you, Chandler." Gianna says, making Chandlers stomach feel like there where a hundred people dancing in there.


"Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!" They both yell

After their bonding moment, Gianna and Chandler are playing rock, paper, scissors.

"Dammit! You win again.'Gianna calls out.

"Gigi, if you tell me wich one your gonna be choosing everytime, it's not that hard for me." Chandler says.

"I was trying reversed, reversed phsycoligy." She says with a sad face. "So you would think I'd do the opposite of what I said, but secretly I would do exactly what I said." She explains her masterplan to him.

"Well it's not so secret now." Chandler jokes with a laugh.

Gianna shivers when she suddenly realizes how cold it is. Chandler notices and takes of his coat.

"Here." He puts the coat around her.

"Chandler, that's not necessary." Gianna says.

"Your wearing short sleeves in October!" He calls her out. "Don't want you to get pheunomia."

Gianna laughs at his joke and moves closer to Chandler with his coat wrapped around her.

"Your really sweet, you know that?"Gianna snuggles into Chanders warm coat.

"Your pretty." Chandler mumbles.

"What?" Gianna asks.


With Chandlers coat as a blanket, Gianna soon drifted to sleep on Chandler shoulder. Him being still awake, wrapped his arm around her, so she could get more comfortable. Suddenly the lights go on and Chandler realizes the blackout is over.

Chanlder silently shakes Gianna awake.

"Gianna? The blackout is over."

Gianna slowly wakes up and yawns. "What?"

"The blackout is over, we can go home." Chandler tells the sleepy girl.

"Really? I wish it took longer, this was fun." Gianna smiles.

"We should do this again."

"Get trapped in an ATM vestibule?" Gianna laughs.

"No, hang out." Chandler says.

"Your right. We should."

another chapterrrr! sorry it took so long, i was really busy with a school concert :)

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